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5 Harmful Phrases To Avoid When Supporting Someone With Mental Health Challenges

5 Things You Should Never Say To Someone Struggling With Mental Health

What should you not say in mental health conversations?

Mental health conversations can be difficult, but it’s important to speak with sensitivity and respect. When talking about mental health, it’s important to know what words and phrases to avoid. Here are some of the phrases and words you should avoid when discussing mental health with someone.


When talking about mental health, it’s important to avoid using labels to describe someone who is struggling. Labels such as “crazy”, “nuts”, “schizo”, and “psycho” can be hurtful and damaging. Such words can make someone feel ashamed, embarrassed, and even worse about their mental health issues. Instead, try to use language that is affirming and encouraging.


It’s never appropriate to speculate about someone’s mental health diagnosis. Mental health disorders can be complex, and it’s important to respect the diagnosis given by a qualified professional. Even if you suspect someone might have a mental health disorder, it’s important to keep those thoughts to yourself and to respect the individual’s autonomy.


When talking about mental health, it’s important to avoid making comparisons with other people. Every individual has their own unique struggles and experiences, and it’s important to respect that. Making comparisons can be damaging, as it can make the individual feel like their struggles are less important or valid.

Giving Unsolicited Advice

When engaging in a conversation about mental health, it’s important to avoid giving unsolicited advice. It’s important to recognize that everyone’s journey is different and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead of giving advice, it’s important to listen to the individual and offer support and understanding.

Minimizing Struggles

When talking about mental health, it’s important to avoid minimizing or invalidating someone’s struggles. Mental health can be a sensitive topic, and it’s important to recognize that someone’s struggles are real and valid. It’s important to show empathy and understanding and not to downplay someone’s feelings.

Concluding Thoughts

When engaging in conversations about mental health, it’s important to speak with sensitivity and respect. It’s important to avoid using labels, speculating about diagnoses, making comparisons, giving unsolicited advice, and minimizing someone’s struggles. By avoiding these words and phrases, we can create a more understanding and supportive environment for those who are struggling with mental health issues.