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Body stress release therapy cape town

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  1. Enter the area in which you’d like to locate a practitioner in the “Your location” field. You may search by country (e.g. “South Africa”), province (e.g. “Gauteng”), suburb (e.g. “Bloubergstrand”) or specific address (e.g. “Main road, Cape Town”). Suggested locations will be displayed as you type, click on any suggestion to accept it. Note that the more precise the location that you enter is, the more accurate the results will be.
  2. Specify the search radius around your location within which to search (e.g. 50km),  specify the number of results to display, and click the search button.
  3. The practitioners located within the specified area will be displayed.
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Do you suffer from headaches, back pain, joint pain or arthritis  Do you wake up stiff and uncomfortable, or complain of numb fingers and toes, sciatica, nerve sensations or debilitating migraines

All of these subtle symptoms may indicate the presence of stored body stress which disrupts the body’s communication to the muscles and nerves, resulting in imbalances in the system.   These imbalances may present in a variety of ways; from pain or joint stiffness, to mobility issues, or systemic issues (such as digestive discomfort, constipation etc.). The effect of stored tension often starts off slowly but gradually escalates to more acute pain and discomfort.  Click here to view frequent complaints and related case studies.  


BSR Optimises the nervous system – prompting a self-healing response:

The premise of Body Stress Release is to address the underlying cause of stress and trigger the body’s innate healing response.  In order to do this, the practitioner will assess the client by performing a series of reflex tests to pin-point the precise areas of the body that are affected.  The BSR technique is accurate and precise and has a direct effect on the nervous system, boosting the body’s self-healing ability and prompting it to restore its natural balance.  


Sarah Davies has been practicing as a Body Stress Release Practitioner since 2010 – read her Google Reviews


For a personal account of the Body Stress Release technique from the Health Editor at  Health24: click here 

Body Stress Release is now practiced in 23 countries worldwide and has literally assisted hundreds of people in their path to restored vitality and optimal health.  

I had the most incredible pains in both shoulders going down my arms to my elbows. A friend who had been to Theresa for BSR told me how she had helped her.  I was very sceptical at first but decided to give it a try. 

She started working on me and, after she had finished, she asked me how I felt.  I could not believe the fact that I had absolutely no pain in either of my shoulders!  I was totally converted!!

I have been going to Theresa now for about 2 years and to this day I have remained pain free.  I cannot thank her enough for helping me and I have recommended her to so many of my golfing friends.

Body Stress Release practitioners use an incredible, non-invasive technique to unlock stored tension in the body.

Physical injury, surgery, and emotional stress are all major causes of stress in the body. When stress accumulates in the body, other issues begin to arise which include chronic pain, numbness, and other neurological issues.

body stress release cape town

Testimonial About Body Stress Release Brackenfell, Cape Town

“My name is Lydia, and I’m a diabetic. I was in the teaching profession for 33 years when I finally had to opt out. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to.

As an active young lady, I played netball, did karate, took part in athletics, and even did some rugby. As a teacher, I coached netball, mini cricket, and athletics. I had an active and fulfilling life.

Here’s my story.

About 20 years into my teaching career, I developed severe and chronic pain in my right leg which eventually led to surgery.

Before the operation, I was able to climb stairs and go about daily life despite the pain. However, after surgery the pain became unbearable and a simple thing like climbing stairs became almost impossible. And as the saying goes: the show must go on. I still had a job, and I was grateful for it.     

After some time, I started to develop pain in different parts of my body. I had to constantly convince my body to move forward as young minds needed education.

In the meantime, I saw a Physio therapist, Chiropractor, went for multiple scans, acupuncture, and used far too many pain killers to get through each day. You name it, I did it.

I finally had to quit my job. Staying at home was a marvelous feeling because it was no longer necessary to hide the pain I was in from my students and colleagues.

But unfortunately, reality kicked in and my body started to talk back. Covid arrived and one day I woke up with a frozen arm, developed numbness in my fingers and had constant pain in my arm.

In an attempt to solve this, I went for neck and back surgery and was told I needed to go for more back operations. I could not get authorization for these two operations so, in the meantime a friend told me to try Body Stress Release.

After being quite skeptical in the beginning, I decided to take a leap of faith and go for my first Body Stress Release session, and I have never looked back.

I have been going to Jolene for 2 months and live practically pain free except for a bit of discomfort in my leg. I can dress myself again, I clean my own house again, I can even climb a few stairs with more ease – things I have not been able to do for the past 10 years. I am forever grateful for BSR, it has given me back my life

Body Stress Release Brackenfell

This powerful and effective technique was developed in 1981 and has been going strong ever since. Body Stress Release shown to be effective in releasing tension in the body which is known to cause issues such as chronic pain.

Please visit my homepage to find out more about Body Stress Release and feel free to contact me to make an appointment.

With a lifetime of suffering from lower back pain, sciatic nerve issues in my leg and hamstring, as well as suffering from migraines, I can tell you that I have been everywhere and tried everything and every pill there is. Almost accepting all of these as normal, I came across Meg who introduced me to BSR.It was very comforting to know that there is someone who understands the pains associated with migraines. Meg is very well informed and has a very calming and gentle nature that helped me relax with each treatment.We got right into the problem areas on day one and I must admit, I was in agony the day after. Subsequently each session after that became less and less painful as my body was healing itself. I could not believe the results in just a few sessions. Amazing!Highly recommended to anyone struggling with pain issues of any kind. Give it a go… it will change your life.

Until I went for Body Stress Release I was unaware of how stressed and unhappy my body was. But after three sessions with Winston Wiggins I’m as right as rain again – for now anyway.

Body Stress Release (BSR) is the brainchild of two South African chiropractors, Gail and Ewald Meggersee, who developed the technique after many years of research into stress and its highly negative effect on the body. It has been practised in South Africa since 1981.

However, as Winston Wiggins, a BSR practitioner in Table View, Cape Town, hastens to point out, BSR is neither a medical treatment nor an alternative therapy. “It is a complementary technique which helps the body to heal itself by releasing stored tension.”

Wiggins has been a BSR practitioner for three years and got involved after he experienced a release himself.

“It all started when a BSR practitioner sorted out five years of major back pain in very short time.”

The basics of BSR

The BSR practitioner enables the body to heal itself by locating the precise areas where the body is stressed, such as along the spine, in the neck and head, even the buttocks and hips. The practitioner uses the client’s body as a biofeedback mechanism, and by applying light and firm pressure to the key areas, activates the body to release the stress.

Wiggins says BSR is most commonly used to counteract the physical effects of stress, such as lower back pain, neck pain and headaches.

You’re fully clothed during the session and, depending on the severity of your condition and the level of stress your body is carrying, sessions generally last between 15 and 20 minutes.

“We start off by doing three releases,” Wiggins explains. “Ideally, the second session follows four days after the first, and the third is given one week after that. Usually by this time we have a good indication of where we are going, and in some instances more sessions could be required.

“It differs with each person as to how long the release will last, and this would depend on their lifestyle. We usually recommend clients to come back for regular maintenance releases, with the length of time between appointments varying between two and 12 weeks.”

Read: The physiology of stress

How it felt

My first session with Wiggins was slightly longer than the rest as he took time to explain exactly what was involved, and how the process worked.

I listed some of the things I was having problems with, such as tension headaches and a sprained ankle. In fact there were so many I started to feel I was a wreck, but Wiggins was reassuring.

After this it was onto the kind of bed chiropractors use: the kind you stand against and get lowered down onto. Lots of major back problems come this way, then.

As I lay on my stomach, Wiggins patrolled between my feet and my back. Eventually, he focused on my back, firmly pressing down on a few spots.

Most of these were tender enough to make me flinch when he pressed them. Wiggins later explained that the reason he kept checking my feet and then marking spots on my back, was because he was testing for stress by using the feet as a biofeedback monitor.

He repeated the process on my buttocks, hips, up my spine, my shoulder blades, neck, shoulders, the base of my head and along my chest bone.

Once he was done he had to gently rouse me. I hadn’t actually fallen asleep, but I was deeply lethargic. I was also slightly lightheaded when I stood up, but this passed quickly.

Stress and chemical imbalance

After the session Wiggins told me I had significant stress in my body, particularly in my neck and shoulders, as well as chemical stress caused by factors such as air pollution, chemical exposure from soaps, shampoos and so on.

I left with instructions to drink lots of water in the following hours, and I was warned to expect a mild detox headache the next day. It He was right about this, although the headache was gone by that afternoon.

The follow-up sessions

The next two sessions with Wiggins followed much the same path and I was delighted to hear in the second one that my body was responding well to the releases.

By the third release, he announced that my body was in a far, far better condition. The chemical stress was almost completely gone, as was the tension in my neck and shoulders.

The verdict

Since I hadn’t experienced any hint of a sore neck or shoulders before the sessions, I can’t report any feeling of relief on that front. But I do feel more in touch with myself, more focused on my posture, and more careful about tensing or hunching.

My body still feels pretty relaxed. I know it’s up to me to keep it that way, but I really am impressed.

And the best thing? Touch wood – I haven’t had a tension headache in over a month, which is really amazing for me!

Contact Winston Wiggins at 083 265 9115 or find a BSR practitioner in your area (countrywide) by visiting

Read more:

Health24’s editory tries Body Stress Release

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