Is cupping therapy good for weight loss

Deborah C. Escalante

Cupping for weight loss before and after

There are many options available for people who are wanting to lose weight. The common advice is to change your diet, eat less, move more, all of which is great advice. Cupping for weight loss before and after you change your habits can also have a beneficial effect, giving you a better chance at weight loss success rather than relying on willpower alone.

Why do we gain weight?

cupping for weight loss

The short answer is simply overeating and under-exercising, but it is more complex than that alone. As you get older, your metabolism slows down – it’s imperceptible at first, but slowly and surely your body will become less efficient at using energy, and more likely to store fat.

With a faster metabolism, everything that gets put into your body gets processed at high speed, and there’s no opportunity for any lingering fat deposits to build up. Of course, the more you eat, the more chance there is that your body won’t be able to keep up, and as you age the problem will only get worse.

How does cupping for weight loss before and after the event help?

Cupping is a treatment that chiropractor Baton Rouge has been successfully using for a very long time. There are records of it being used over 1000 years ago by many ancient cultures including the Egyptians and the Chinese. The process itself is quite simple.

So-called “cups” are used to perform the treatment, which in times gone by may have been regular cups you might drink from, animal horns, or anything with a similar shape. The modern medical equivalent is custom made for the treatment.

One or more cups are placed on the skin in the area that is to be treated, and a vacuum is created within the cup. The vacuum is normally created by igniting a substance within the cup before applying it to the body – don’t worry, as the ignited substance does not come into contact with your skin. It is simply used to heat up the air within the cup.

As the air cools when the cup is inverted, it creates a vacuum which pulls the area of skin below the cup into the opening. The skin in this area will redden and the blood vessels in the area expand. An alternative variation on this procedure is the use of silicon cups and a pump system to create a vacuum – whichever method is used the net result is the production of a vacuum in the selected area.

With the expansion of blood vessels, the procedure supplies extra nutrients to the tissue and increases hydration, and also offers a similar effect to a deep tissue massage. The top layer and several sublayers of the skin are stimulated, bringing new life to the area, and additionally kickstarting the metabolism.

It is almost as if your body had forgotten about certain areas, and the stimulation provided by cupping reminds your body of what it needs to do.

As cupping increases the blood flow to the area that is being treated, it will also accelerate the natural healing processes of the body. This will decrease inflammation and boost the immune system, both of which are beneficial when trying to change your body composition, i.e. losing weight.

The cups are left in a single position for several minutes before they are either removed or alternatively relocated to another area to continue the treatment.

This treatment is effective both before and after starting your weight loss journey as it keeps your body in the optimum condition whether you are trying to lose weight or not.

Is cupping for weight loss safe?

Yes, cupping is an entirely natural treatment that uses the body’s own responses to accelerate weight loss and improve the immune system and metabolism. There may be a period of mild discomfort immediately after the treatment in the areas that were treated, but this will soon pass. This is caused by the vacuum pulling on the tissue and may be considered similar to the discomfort you may experience from a bruise.

No drugs are used during the process, and cupping is safe for most people – however, you may need to speak to a specialist if you are pregnant or have a heart condition. 

What’s the difference with cupping for weight loss before and after treatment?

Before your cupping for weight loss treatment your body may be run down and slowly stopping working in the way that it should. After cupping, the tissue of your body is reactivated and re-energized, repairing and rebuilding itself to be the fantastic machine that it was always meant to be.

Your body will actively work to heal itself, bringing you closer to your weight loss goal.

Always remember that cupping is not the only procedure required for weight loss. You’ll need to watch what you eat and take regular exercise too. Cupping will accelerate your results but should not solely be relied on as the cure for being overweight.

Is cupping for weight loss popular?

Cupping has been highlighted as a treatment used by celebrities and professional athletes in recent years, providing faster healing, a reduction in pain, and as a general treatment to foster wellness. It has been around for a very long time but has seen a surge in popularity due to the interest of celebrities.

It remains popular as it has been shown to work well and is effective in both weight loss and in treating the symptoms of a range of other problems. It is a safe procedure that gets results.

Do you want to try cupping for weight loss?

Trying cupping for weight loss may be a little daunting if you’ve never experienced it before, but you are in safe hands with our team. We’re fully trained and certified, and we’ll make sure you’re comfortable with the process every step of the way.

To book an appointment or to find out more about cupping for weight loss before and after treatments, please visit us or call Ozark Chiropractic Clinic on (225) 927-8160 today.

Do you want to lose weight without dieting? Do you like to know something that can help in accelerating your metabolism? Then benefits of cupping for weight loss is a healthy topic for you. If you’ve tried crash diets and exercise programs with little to no success, it might be time to consider cupping for weight loss.

What Is Cupping?

Cupping is an ancient method of healing and treating many health conditions. It is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is developed on the skin using heated cups. It is mostly practiced in Asia, but it is also found in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America.

How Is Cupping Performed?

A cupping session involves a practitioner placing round cups directly on your skin. To create suction, the cup is either heated with fire or manually pumped. After that, the cups are left on your body for some time.
Cupping creates suction, which gathers fluid into the treated area. This suction force causes tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under the skin to expand and break open. The cupping area acts as an injury by your body and needs healing. It sends more blood to the affected area in order to speed up the natural healing process.

Read Benefits Of Cupping In Urdu Over Here!

What Happens After Cupping Session?

Bruising and skin irritation are the most common side effects of cupping. Both are expected to heal on their own within a week or two. There is also the possibility of infection. To help reduce this risk, the therapist may send you home with an antibiotic ointment and bandage after a session.

Benefits Of Cupping For Weight Loss

How Is Cupping Helpful In Weight Loss?

Cupping has become an increasingly popular form of alternative therapy treatment in recent years, with amazing weight loss benefits. People who want to lose weight have many options. The common advice is to change your diet, portion control, and move more, all of which is excellent advice. Cupping for weight loss before and after you change your habits can also be beneficial, giving you a better chance of weight loss success than relying solely on willpower.

Cupping therapy relaxes connective tissue and dilates capillaries, allowing freshly oxygenated blood to flow into the area of application. This enhances cell growth and repair while also speeding up metabolism.
Simultaneously, this process flushes stagnant blood through the lymphatic system, carrying waste and ruptured fat cells with it.

Click here to book an appointment with the Nutritionists in Lahore through Marham to get the best experience of your weight loss journey.

Benefits Of Cupping For Weight Loss:

The cupping method improves the treatment’s effectiveness and accelerates the slimming process. When fat causes cellulite, it can harden into lumps beneath your skin over time and cannot be removed with a massage alone.

Clearing Of Stagnant Blood:

Cupping the right meridian channels loosens the tissue and clears the stagnant blood. As a result, your metabolism is restored to more efficient levels.
The use of cups is not at random. Practitioners place the cups on specially selected acupressure points along our meridian channels, depending on their goals.

Body Toning:

By stimulating acu-points and running them along lymphatic lines, cupping therapy promotes weight loss and full-body toning. These specific acu-points give your circulatory system the energy it needs to metabolize body fat, including fat in problem areas and fat around internal organs. A better circulation can help remove toxins and excess water that are causing or exacerbating your weight problems.

Losing Fat Deposits:

Cupping is also effective for targeting stubborn fat deposits around your waist, thighs, and upper arms. Because cupping affects your deep tissues, it can also reach visceral fat at a deeper level. The fats are liquefied and removed via the lymphatic system.

The advantages of cupping go beyond weight loss. Cupping therapy, like a deep-tissue massage, relieves physical and emotional tension in your body.

Cupping has recently been highlighted as a treatment used by celebrities and professional athletes, providing faster healing, pain relief, and as a general treatment to promote wellness. It has been around for a long time but has recently gained popularity due to celebrity interest.

Read More Benefits Of Cupping Over Here!

Cupping After-care Tips:

Cupping aftercare is critical for maximizing the benefits of cupping. It is critical that you follow these after-care tips;
• After cupping, you may feel more tired than usual or experience flu-like symptoms (headache or general body aches). This is a temporary immune response to the cellular waste that cupping helps release.
• Water aids in the removal of cellular waste from your tissues by flushing your lymphatic system. That’s why stay well hydrated after cupping.
• Make an effort to cover the area(s) where you received cupping.

Who Performs Cupping?

Cupping is performed by registered health professionals. Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Massage therapists, Medical doctors and Physical therapists can perform cupping.
You can get information about cupping for weight loss from your nutritionist. And discus the diet plan that is helpful along with cupping for weight loss.

Book an appointment now, to answer all your queries. You can book an appointment with top nutritionists in Lahore through Marham by calling at Marham helpline: 0311-1222398 or by online appointment booking facility through the website or Marham mobile app.



  1. What is cupping?

    Cupping is an ancient method of healing and treating many health conditions. It is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is developed on the skin using heated cups.

  2. What are Benefits of cupping for weight loss?

    Cupping helps in losing stagnant blood in your body and speed up the metabolism by increasing the blood flow. On the other hand, it helps in shedding fat deposits.


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