Yoga to reduce stress and anger

Deborah C. Escalante

Yoga for Anger Management: 5 Yoga Poses to Control Anger

Do you feel angry often? It will not help if you suppress your anger. Here is a list of yoga poses that will help anger management.

Yoga for Anger Management: 5 Yoga Poses to Control Anger

Anger is a natural emotion and you must have experienced it one time or the other. Getting angry is normal but it becomes a problem when your anger starts affecting your work and personal relationship. It can affect your mood and health adversely. It is not advisable to suppress your anger but you need to control it and calm your mind. Yoga can help you to manage your anger. There are several yoga asanas to channel your anger towards something constructive. So, next time you get angry, spread your yoga mat instead of shouting at someone or breaking things. Here are some yoga poses to control anger. (ALSO READ Best yoga poses for flat tummy: Practice these 5 yoga asanas to reduce belly fat).

1. Balasana (Child’s pose)

Balasana or the child’s poses will calm your mind and strengthen your body. It will also improve your mind-body connection.

How to do it: Start by kneeling on the floor. Now, sit back on your heels. Bend forward from your hips until your chest is in contact with your thighs. Keep your hands at your side on the floor or extended in front of you. Hold this position for three to five minutes and return to the original position.

2. Matsyasana (Fish pose)

Matsyasana or the fish pose is another yoga asana to control your anger and calm your mind. This pose will relieve stress and improve blood circulation to your head.

How to do it: Sit in padmasana with your legs crossed. Hold your toes and lean back stretching your spine and neck. Try to touch your head on the floor. Your back should be arched. Hold this pose for a couple of seconds and come back to padmasana. (ALSO READ Yoga asanas for stress relief: These 5 yoga poses will help reduce stress and anxiety).

3. Sukhasana (Easy pose)

Sukhasana or the easy pose focuses on your breathing. It improves your concentration, calms your mind, strengthens your back, lowers stress and improves your body posture.

How to do it: Start by sitting down on the floor with your legs crossed. Keep your back straight and your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply paying attention to your breathing and then slowly exhale. Do this for about five minutes

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4. Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose)

Sarvangasana helps control anger by stabilizing your nervous system. It improves flexibility and strengthens your body and mind.

How to do it: Lie down on the floor on your back with your hands at your side and feet together. Now, lift your legs up to form 90 degree angle with your body. Support and lift your body further by bending your elbows and keeping your palms under your waist. Hold this pose for a few minutes and come back to the original position. (ALSO READ 7 amazing health benefits of Yoga)

5. Savasana

Savasana or the corpse pose is one of the best yoga asanas to calm your mind and body. This relaxing asana will help you control the anger. End your yoga routine with savasana.

How to do it: Lie down on the floor on your back. Keep your hands at your side and feet slightly apart. Your palms should face upward. Your entire body should be relaxed and comfortable. Focus on your breathing. Stay in this position for about five minutes.

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Can yoga help with anger issues?

According to research published in Frontiers In Psychology, yoga can help you manage your anger and decrease the impulses that surround it.

Yoga has long been recognized for its ability to help us improve our cognitive function. Yoga research has shown that it can assist us in overcoming the fight-or-flight response and shifting from our amygdala (fight-or-flight response) to our prefrontal cortex (regulating emotions and problem-solving), allowing us to think more clearly. Regular yoga practice can train your brain to stop and calm itself, which can help you manage your anger.

While yoga is not a panacea for all of life’s problems, including anger issues; it may be able to provide some relief from the impulses that surround anger management issues. People who are willing to take up regular yoga practice might find themselves better equipped to keep their cool in tough situations.

What are some benefits of yoga?

Yoga has a wide range of advantages for men of all ages. Not only is the practice effective at reducing stress, but it may also help you lose weight, gain strength and muscle, improve work performance, and even improve your sex life.

Several of the postures and positions in yoga may help to relax your muscles, making it a useful tool for emotional management and frustration. Yoga is an excellent method to release any anger, anxiety, or frustration you might be feeling throughout the day.

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Yoga is also great at improving your posture, breathing, blood circulation, and digestion, all of which can be negatively impacted by the stress that anger puts on the body and the nervous system.

To learn more about the benefits of yoga, head over to our Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Yoga for Men.

What exercises control anger?

When you think of exercise to manage and control anger, or an exercise you might do when you’re angry in the heat of the moment, you might think of going for a run or hitting the gym to relieve pent-up frustration and take it out on your muscles. Although these are great strategies and have many benefits, yoga can also be a great way to manage anger, maybe even better than a gym session.

Yoga is less likely to cause you pain than hitting the gym or taking a run, and because yoga focuses on breathing exercises that center your mind and body, you can release stress before it even has time to build up into an overwhelming feeling of rage. Practicing yoga both to manage anger before it arises, and once you are in the throws of it, is beneficial, as you are gently forced to reflect inwards, focus, and listen to what is going on inside your mind and body.

Pranayama for anger management

Swami Randev, a famous Indian yoga guru and businessman, swears by the practice of Pranayama for beating frustration and coping with anger. He stresses the importance of deep breathing and breath control, which in turn controls and helps to strengthen emotional regulation.

When you get angry or stressed, your sympathetic nervous system is activated. Breathing becomes more sharp and shallow, your blood pressure and heart rate increase, and your sympathetic nervous system puts unnecessary pressure on your body. Deep breathing, breath retention, and control utilizing a slow and steady breath ratio activate the parasympathetic nervous system and reduces anxiety levels. Long, deep breaths can also help us relax by managing our stress reactions and lowering anxiety, fear, racing thoughts, a rapid heart rate, and shallow chest breathing.

Here are two of my favorite guided pranayama practices to follow along to:

Anger is an emotion that everyone goes through when you are physically or emotionally hurt. It is a part of life but the problem arises when you are unable to control it and react by screaming or yelling. Though anger is a normal response and one should not avoid or ignore anger, there are ways to process it healthily. Yoga to control anger is one of the best ways to do it. Read below to learn about some poses of yoga to control anger

What Are the 5 Best Yoga to Control Anger?

As per yoga, anger is due to the overstimulation of rajasic energy. This energy though important to accomplish things in life, too much can lead to negative emotions which causes anger, aggressive behavior, and more. There are many ways in yoga to control anger like Surya Namaskar, meditation for stress, and more which are generic and aid overall health. 

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Some of the specific poses of yoga to control anger are:

1. Sukhasana or Easy Seated Pose

One of the best poses in yoga for anger management is a simple asana that can pull you out of anger and help you feel connected and centered. To do this anger yoga sit cross-legged on the ground in a quiet place, close your eyes, and deep breath in and out for at least 60 seconds with complete mindfulness. You will notice that your anger is released with every exhale. This is also done as part of yoga for anger and anxiety.

2. Balasana or the Child Pose

This is one of the yoga for beginners asana and is yoga to reduce anger. This exercise can calm the mind and strengthen the body. It is a great way to promote the mind-body connection. Balasana is an easy yoga to reduce stress and anger and should be started by kneeling on the floor. Sit on the heels, bend forward until the thighs and chest are in contact. The hands should be extended in the front and this position should be held for about 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand Pose

Sarvangasana is a great pose of yoga for anger management as it helps to stabilize the nervous system and control anger. It is an anger yoga pose and great for the body as well. To do this, lie on the ground on your back. Keep your hands at the side and your feet together. Lift your legs up so that it forms a 90-degree angle with the body. Hold this position for a few minutes.

4. Ustrasana or The Camel Pose

Ustrasana is one of the yoga asanas to control anger. Start with a kneeling position, place hips over the knees and palms on your back. Now bend backward with your arms extended and try to hold the ankle with your palms. Press your hips forward and keep the gaze towards the ceiling.

5. Savasana or The Corpse Pose

Savasana is a great asana to calm the mind and body and can also control anger. Lie on the back, place the hands on your sides and feet apart. Keep the mind and body relaxed and keep the focus on breathing. Stay for 5 minutes to get maximum benefits. There are many more poses in yoga to control anger, but the above is extremely useful.

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