Occupational therapy in mental health a vision for participation

Deborah C. Escalante


A Vision for Participation

Front Cover

Catana Brown


Virginia Stoffel

F.A. Davis Company

, 2011 –

811 pages

, 2011 –




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This text distinguishes what occupational therapists offer to mental health practice across the life span. It features a client-centered, recovery oriented approach to empower patients to be in control of their own lives and to recognize the contribution of occupational therapy in promoting full participation in daily life. It explains the recovery process for all areas of patients’ lives, physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental, and how to manage co-ocurring conditions. This text gives voice to the lived experience of mental illness across the life span. It serves as a guide through assessment and interventions for individuals with mental health conditions and those whose life circumstances generate significant challenges to their participation in valued activities. Key features include: Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) Model: the organizing principle for this text frames an occupational performance, client-centered, and evidenced-based approach to occupational therapy in mental health; The “lived experience” of mental illness and recovery across the life span: individuals in recovery and their families share their perspectives through photographs and narratives, providing OTs with insights that enable them to better understand the lived experience; Assessment and intervention: more than 230 evidence-based and theoretically grounded assessments and interventions address psychosocial issues; Diagnoses: thorough definitions and discussions emphasize their impact on occupational performance; Environments: full chapters highlight the importance of context, describing the different settings in which occupational therapists work and the environmental factors that impact the lives of individuals in recovery; International expertise: renowned contributors from around the globe share their wealth of knowledge — From book cover.

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Summary :

This text distinguishes what occupational therapists offer to mental health practice across the life span. It features a client-centered, recovery oriented approach to empower patients to be in control of their own lives and to recognize the contribution of occupational therapy in promoting full participation in daily life. It explains the recovery process for all areas of patients’ lives, physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental, and how to manage co-ocurring conditions. This text gives voice to the lived experience of mental illness across the life span. It serves as a guide through assessment and interventions for individuals with mental health conditions and those whose life circumstances generate significant challenges to their participation in valued activities. Key features include: Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) Model: the organizing principle for this text frames an occupational performance, client-centered, and evidenced-based approach to occupational therapy in mental health; The “lived experience” of mental illness and recovery across the life span: individuals in recovery and their families share their perspectives through photographs and narratives, providing OTs with insights that enable them to better understand the lived experience; Assessment and intervention: more than 230 evidence-based and theoretically grounded assessments and interventions address psychosocial issues; Diagnoses: thorough definitions and discussions emphasize their impact on occupational performance; Environments: full chapters highlight the importance of context, describing the different settings in which occupational therapists work and the environmental factors that impact the lives of individuals in recovery; International expertise: renowned contributors from around the globe share their wealth of knowledge — From book cover

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