Psychiatrist vs psychologist who should i see

Deborah C. Escalante

If you’re like most people seeking help for mental health for the first time, you may be a little stumped about whether you should see a psychiatrist or a psychologist—or if there’s any difference at all between the two. While both types of doctors aim to help patients optimize their mental wellness, there are distinct differences in their approaches to treatment.  We’ll look at some of those differences below.  As to the question of which approach is best for you, the answer depends on your condition, your symptoms, your goals, and your preferences. Read on to learn more about some of the key differences between psychiatrists and psychologists for mental health treatment. 


Dr. Prakash Bhatia answers your questions:

What is psychiatry?

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health disorders. Psychiatrists are medical doctors, which means they go to medical school for four years and then spend at least five years in residency training learning about the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions. From there, many psychiatrists continue their training to become certified in areas of specialty, such as child and adolescent psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, and addiction psychiatry. In most states, psychiatrists are the only mental health practitioners who can prescribe medication. But that’s not all they’re trained to do. Psychiatrists are also trained in a variety of treatment modalities, including psychotherapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Psychiatric Services in San Diego


What is psychology?

Psychology is the study of thought, behavior, emotion, and other factors that help us glean insight into ourselves, our actions, and each other. Psychologists are often doctors, but not medical doctors. Instead, they may be a PhD (doctor of philosophy, usually research-focused) or a PsyD (doctor of psychology, usually with a clinical focus). In the State of California, a psychologist must have Master’s and Doctorate degrees in psychology.  Their coursework includes the study of biological, cognitive, and social influences on behavior, as well as training in psychological assessment and diagnosis.  Practicing psychologists use a variety of therapeutic modalities to help patients cope with stress, heal from trauma, and manage symptoms of mental health disorders. 


Should you see a psychologist or psychiatrist first?

For those struggling with their mental health, seeking help is an important step toward living a full and meaningful life. But knowing what kind of practitioner will provide the most effective treatment is not always clear.  The good news is that experienced mental health professionals have the training and knowledge necessary for helping clients make an informed decision about the direction of their treatment. Psychiatrists and psychologists often refer patients to each other. But in general, here are some things to consider to get you started in making the decision about whether to see a psychologist or psychiatrist first. 

  • If you want to spend time talking about an issue and working through it in a one-on-one session, a psychologist might be a good fit. 

  • If you’re interested in pursuing psychiatric medication for symptom relief for a mental health disorder, you may want to start by talking with a psychiatrist.  

  • If the issue you’re hoping to address is relationship-focused, say a problem at work or with a family member, you may find what you need from a psychologist.

  • If you are experiencing debilitating mental health symptoms that are interfering with your daily life, a psychiatrist may be a good place to start. 

As mentioned above, psychiatrists and psychologists are both concerned with helping people optimize their mental wellness, and both are often trained in a variety of treatment modalities. You don’t have to know exactly what you need before you reach out for help. The best place to start is with a practitioner you feel comfortable speaking to. They’ll listen to your reasons for seeking help, assess your symptoms, evaluate your medical, psychiatric, and family history, and help you decide on a course of action moving forward. And remember, many people visit more than one mental health practitioner before they find the best fit. 



Struggling with your mental health? Call Pacific Health Systems San Diego today. 

At Pacific Health Systems, we offer a wide range of psychology services in San Diego and psychiatry services. Our practitioners conduct thorough evaluations and create personalized care plans designed to meet each patient’s particular needs. Whether you’re seeking a psychiatrist or psychologist or you’re still not sure which approach to treatment is best for you, we can help.  For more information on our mental health services or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at 619-267-9257 today!

someone speaking to a psychologist vs. psychiatristGoing to see a doctor about your mental health is not an easy step to take. It may have taken you months or years to reach this decision.

And that’s just the first step. The next question is: “What kind of doctor should I see?”

You could see your primary care doctor. Many people do. Of the 8 million appointments for depression, about half of them are made with primary care physicians, according to a news story on

If the primary care doctor route is not for you, you are then faced with another choice: should you see a psychologist or a psychiatrist? How do you know who is right for you?

What’s the Difference Between a Psychiatrist & a Psychologist?

Before we explore the difference, you should first know that many psychiatrists and psychologists work closely together.

The primary difference between the two types of doctors comes down to medication: a psychiatrist can prescribe it, while a psychologist cannot.

In addition to offering treatment through medication, psychiatrists will often conduct talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy or other forms of treatment. They may also make referrals to counselors or therapists (like psychologists).

According to Psychology Today: “Psychiatrists receive the same medical school education as any other medical doctor, such as an internal medicine physician or a pediatrician and, therefore, hold a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.).”

When to Choose a Psychologist

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A psychologist doesn’t hold an M.D. degree. Psychologists will assess patients and treat them through counseling or talk therapy.

Talk therapy is a method of treatment that helps patients re-evaluate their feelings and attitudes, creating healthier behavior according to the American Psychological Association. The Association states that psychologists are “highly trained professionals with expertise in the areas of human behavior, mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment, and behavior change.”

Applying scientifically validated procedures, a psychologist will work with a patient to help them identify and isolate a problem, recommend potential behavioral changes, and determine the best course of action.

Marian Margulies, PhD, a psychologist in New York City and candidate in psychoanalysis at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Education at the NYU Medical Center, said talk therapy is important because you aren’t just treating the symptoms – you are finding out what’s causing the pain.

“If you’re not getting to the cause of the pain, you’re essentially chained to the past,” Dr. Margulies told Forbes. “Psychotherapy gets to the root.”

When to Choose a Psychiatrist

Even if psychotherapy is getting to the root of the problem, you still may need additional help.

With a medical background, a psychiatrist can review your complete medical history. Understanding the full picture is important because some mood disorders may be caused by physical conditions like hormonal changes (pregnancy or thyroid disorder), according to the Mayo Clinic.

“Because we learned how the body interacts with the mind, we can rule out physical disorders as a cause of mental illness. This is important, since a person may have a hyperactive thyroid, for example, which can trigger panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, or anorexia. We can look at thyroid blood tests or have a patient consult an endocrinologist if we suspect the problem stems from thyroid disease,” Carol W. Berman, M.D., a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at NYU Medical Center in New York City, wrote in the Huffington Post.

If depressive symptoms are significantly impacting your body and daily life, a psychiatrist can help determine if medication will help. Importantly, a psychiatrist can consider drug-drug interactions if you are already taking medication for other conditions.

If a patient needs it, a psychiatrist has the authority to recommend hospitalization. However, Dr. Berman writes that hospitalization is often a last resort:

“The most common types of psychiatric hospitalizations are for suicide attempts, detoxifications from drugs or alcohol, psychotic episodes caused by mania or from schizophrenia. Most psychiatrists use hospitalization sparingly as a last resort if no other treatment will work.”

Choosing A Provider who is Right for You

If you feel you may be experiencing depressive symptoms, a good way to start is to talk to your primary care physician about a referral. This way, the physician who sees you the most can determine which type of mental healthcare provider you should see based on your medical history.

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Finding the right medical professional to help treat mental health disorders can be confusing. Usually, your search for the right specialist will lead you to two types of doctors: psychologists and psychiatrists. Both psychologists and psychiatrists understand how the brain processes thoughts, emotions, and feelings and use that information to treat mental illness. But despite what you might think, psychologists and psychiatrists aren’t the same. Even though they both specialize in mental health, the two professions have different credentials and educational requirements. In addition to that, psychologists and psychiatrists have different treatment approaches to mental health challenges and focus on treating certain types of mental illnesses.

What Do Psychologists Do?

Psychologists help people cope with life issues and mental health challenges. When you visit a psychologist, they study the way you think, behave, and relate to other people and your environment. Psychologists also:

  • Find patterns that help them understand and predict behavior
  • Work with individuals, couples, and families to make desired life changes
  • Identify and diagnose mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders
  • Develop and carry out treatment plans
  • Collaborate with physicians or social workers as necessary

What Do Psychiatrists Do?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who evaluate, diagnose, and treat people living with mental health disorders that range in severity from mild and temporary to severe and chronic. Psychiatrists can also:

  • Provide urgent care for a sudden mental illness
  • Help you manage long-term mental health conditions
  • Provide second opinions and advice to other doctors and health professionals
  • Refer you to other health professionals
  • Admit you to the hospital when necessary

The Differences Between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist

woman speaking to a psychiatristMany people confuse psychologists and psychiatrists with each other because their titles sound similar and they both diagnose and treat mental health conditions, but there are some key differences between the two professions.

1. Education & Training

Psychiatrists Have Medical Degrees, Psychologists Do Not.

Psychologists and psychiatrists are both highly educated and skilled. Psychologists have at least 6 years of university training and supervised experience. Most psychologists have a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) or psychology (PsyD) degree. Psychologists that have a Doctorate (Ph.D.) can call themselves “Dr.,” but they do not have degrees in medicine. Clinical psychologists have special training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors with at least 11 years of training. Psychiatrists begin their education with a medical degree at a university. After that, they spend 1 or 2 years of training as a general doctor before completing at least 5 years of training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Unlike psychologists, psychiatrists have a doctor of medicine degree (MD) and are required to learn all the systems and functions of the human body, how to perform physical exams, and specific treatments for each medical condition.

2. Authority to Medicate

Psychiatrists Can Prescribe Medicine, Most Psychologists Cannot.

Even though psychologists and psychiatrists treat mental health conditions, most psychologists cannot prescribe medication. However, with some additional qualifications, psychologists in the following 5 states can prescribe medication:

  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • New Mexico

Psychologists working in the military, Indian Health Service, or in Guam can also prescribe medication. The authority to prescribe medicine is much less restrictive for psychiatrists. Because of their medical degree, psychiatrists, in any state, have the authority to prescribe medication.

3. Treatment

Psychologists Focus on Behavior, Psychiatrists Provide a Wide Range of Treatment.

Both psychologists and psychiatrists talk with you about the problems and challenges you’re facing. But their different educational backgrounds allow them to focus on, treat, and approach those issues differently.

Psychologists tend to focus on your behavior patterns. For example, if you’re dealing with anxiety, a psychologist will track your sleeping pattern, the frequency and severity of panic attacks, and the negative thoughts that might be contributing to your high levels of anxiety. Based on what they find, they’ll talk with you, teach you how to change some of those patterns, and help you develop new habits to help relieve and manage anxiety. Their primary way of helping you cope is through psychological treatments and different types of talk therapy.

Psychiatrists also look at your behavior patterns, but they have a stronger understanding of biology and neurochemistry as well. This allows them to provide a wider range of treatment that can include:

  • Psychological treatment
  • Brain stimulation therapies
  • Medication
  • General medical care, including physical examinations, in order to evaluate the effects of any prescribed medication

Psychiatrists also perform medical examinations before providing a diagnosis. For example, a psychiatrist may check for thyroid problems or vitamin deficiencies before diagnosing you with depression.

4. Conditions Treated

Psychologists Treat Less Severe Conditions, Psychiatrists Treat More Complex Mental Health Disorders.

Generally, psychologists treat conditions that don’t require medication. These types of conditions can include behavioral problems, learning difficulties, anxiety, and mild cases of depression.

Psychiatrists, on the other hand, tend to treat complex conditions that require medical treatment and psychological evaluations, including:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Severe depression

Should I See a Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

If you’re experiencing life challenges and want to work on better understanding your thoughts and behaviors, you might benefit from seeing a psychologist. But if you’re dealing with more complex conditions that generally require medications, you can ask your primary care physician for a referral to see a psychiatrist.

Some conditions, like depression and anxiety, can be treated with a combination of talk therapy and medication, allowing you to visit both a psychologist and psychiatrist. In these types of cases, you may have regular therapy sessions with a psychologist, while a psychiatrist manages your medical treatment.

Regardless of the type of specialist you choose, make sure that the person tending to your mental health has:

  • Experience treating your type of mental health condition
  • An approach, personality, and manner that makes you feel comfortable
  • Availability and open appointments

Providing You With Expert Brain-Focused Mental Health Treatment

At StoneRidge Centers, we care about your mental health. That’s why we pride ourselves on providing you with world-class clinical care backed by expert-level neuroscience. Our treatment programs, overseen by a triple-board-certified psychiatrist, are comprehensive and customized to provide you with exactly the type of care you need.

You don’t have to face any kind of mental health challenge alone. Let us help you reclaim your mental health and manage challenges in a healthy way. Call us today at 928-583-7799 if you or your loved one are looking for compassionate care matched with evidence-based treatment.

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