Are you a psychopath quiz with answers

Deborah C. Escalante

This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.

This quiz is designed to help give you some idea about whether or not you may be a psychopath or sociopath , or have psychopathic tendencies. This quiz is not meant to diagnose psychopathy or tell you definitively whether or not you’re a psychopath . But it will give you a pretty good idea, based upon the research. For each item, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statement. Take your time and answer truthfully for the most accurate results.

A person suffering from psychopathy is something that mental health professionals might typically diagnose as antisocial personality disorder. Someone with this kind of personality disorder typically experiences four (4) or more of the following symptoms: failure to conform to social norms; deceitfulness; impulsivity; irritability and aggressiveness; a reckless disregard for other people’s safety; consistent irresponsibility; and a lack of remorse.

Learn more: Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Many people confuse psychopathy with sociopathy. These are pop psychology terms whose meaning are not well-defined by researchers, but you can understand the differences between a psychopath and a sociopath here.

Learn more: Why Do People Become Psychopaths?

Treatment of Antisocial Personality Disorder

While psychopathy doesn’t completely align with antisocial personality disorder, the two are similar enough to suggest treatment options might also be similar. You can learn more about the treatment options here.

    I have been really interested in those riddles that “determine if you’re a psychopath” recently. They aren’t based on any actual science, as they are just riddles with many possible responses, but each one deals with a psychopath and how he/she acts, so it’s fun to see how your thinking aligns with the correct answer. Just because you can solve these riddles does not mean you’re a psychopath (hopefully); you may just think like one 🙂 I had a ton of fun testing my friends with these and figured you guys would too, so I compiled all of the ones I could find here for you.


  1. An explorer and his crew were stranded in the arctic for several months. When they were finally rescued, the explorer was reunited with his wife and told her all of his stories about how their ship crashed and the captain had to feed the remaining crew penguins while they huddled on the ice together in order to survive. A few days later, the explorer’s wife became curious and decided to try penguin for herself. Despite the explorer’s experience, he agreed to eat some with her. Immediately after he began to cry and later killed himself. Why?

  2. A young woman was at her mother’s funeral when she ran into a man she did not know. He was incredibly handsome and kind, and the woman fell in love with him instantly. She never got his name or number. The next day, she suddenly kills her sister. Why?

  3. Your apartment building is right next to another apartment building so that when you look out your window, you can see into the windows of the other apartment building as well. One night as you are eating dinner, you look out your window to see a man murdering one of the residents of the other building. The murderer looks at you, and you can clearly see his face. Suddenly, he begins moving his pointer finger up and down at you. What does this mean?

  4. A murderer breaks into a man’s house one night with only a knife, but he didn’t know that the man he aimed to kill was in the kitchen instead of the bedroom. When the man saw him, he got scared and ran into his living room closet, grabbing a knife of his own but failing to get a phone. He locks the murderer out and prepares to face him. How does the murderer end up killing the man?

  5. There is a very close couple with only one teenage son, forming a tight-knit and almost strange sort of family. Every day, the couple walks their son to school. Unfortunately, other kids see this action as silly and start bullying him for it, causing the son to come home in hysterics every night. Slowly, the couple begins killing individual children from the school at random. Why are they doing this?

  6. A murderer kills a man and leaves the body in an elevator with several large windows, yet after leaving him, he stands outside the window and stares at him (for a considerably long time). Why?

  7. After a long and horrible day of emotional abuse and annoyances, a man decides that enough is enough and he is going to kill his boss. He goes to a store and has to decide between buying a $5 knife and a $50 knife. Why did the man buy the $5 knife?

  8. (Multiple choice) You are asked to imagine yourself walking through the dark and eerie woods late at night. Your heart is pounding, and you hear strange sounds all around you. Suddenly, you hear and feel breathing behind you and whirl around instantly in terror. What do you see? (a) a wild animal, (b) a pale person of the opposite sex, (c) a shadow figure, (d) a dog, (e) nothing, (f) a giant bug.

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Riddle: A woman is at her mother’s funeral when suddenly she sees a man so handsome, she instantly falls in love with her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to talk to the man. The next day, the woman kills her sister. What was the motive?

Answer: The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath.



: The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath.

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Riddle: A woman is at her mother's funeral when suddenly she sees a man so handsome, she instantly falls in love with her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to talk to the man. The next day, the woman kills her sister. What was the motive? Answer: The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath. Psychopath Test riddle (with answer) meme .

Riddle: A woman is at her mother's funeral when suddenly she sees a man so handsome, she instantly falls in love with her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to talk to the man. The next day, the woman kills her sister. What was the motive? Answer: The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath. Psychopath Test square meme riddle to solve.

You may be a little uncomfortable to even think that you may be psycho, but it’s actually not that uncommon. This psychopath spectrum test will reveal if you’re definitely a psychopath (high psychopath tendencies), definitely NOT a psychopath (low psychopath tendencies), or could be one (somewhere in the middle of the spectrum).

In general, you likely have a good idea of what a psychopath is. Or maybe you only know what you’ve seen on TV/films. Here’s a little breakdown, as explained by Very Well Mind:

“The term “psychopath” is used to describe someone who is callous, unemotional, and morally depraved. While the term isn’t an official mental health diagnosis, it is often used in clinical and legal settings. While psychopathy is not a diagnosis in and of itself, many of the characteristics of psychopathy overlap with symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, a broader mental health condition that is used to describe people who chronically act out and break rules. But only a small number of individuals with antisocial personality disorder are considered to be psychopaths.”

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With this in mind, where do you think you stand on the psychopath spectrum? Let this quiz help you find out!

*This quiz was not professionally created, and is not meant to diagnose you, as much as it is meant to just give you a good idea. If you believe you need professional help, we advise you speak with your health provider or mental health specialist.

Every now and then, a riddle appears online that purports to tell you if you’re a psychopath or not. There are several that are often cited, but here are two somewhat notorious examples picked out by Business Insider.

The first is a tale of murder and funerals.



“While at her own mother’s funeral, a woman meets a guy she doesn’t know. She thinks this guy is amazing — her dream man — and is pretty sure he could be the love of her life. However, she never asked for his name or number and afterwards could not find anyone who knows who he was. A few days later the girl kills her own sister – but why?”

There are many ways to answer this question, but if you suggest that it’s because the girl thought the man would turn up at her sister’s subsequent funeral, you’re apparently a bit of a psychopath.

The second, which actually comes from an official questionnaire used in several studies, involves a battle between individual rescue and the greater good – an assessment of utilitarianism. It goes as follows:



“A runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people and you are standing on a footbridge next to a large stranger; your body is too light to stop the train, but if you push the stranger onto the tracks, killing him, you will save the five people. Would you push the man?”

If you push the man, it arguably makes you more of a psychopath. Even if you’re saving more people, you’re still committing a murder to do so.

Here’s the problem: psychopathy, a personality disorder that falls on something of a spectrum, cannot be defined by answering just one single question, or even one survey.



That first riddle about the funeral has been thoroughly debunked several times before, and it’s not entirely clear where it came from.

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The second riddle has been used in studies and it has some merit, but no academic worth their salt would claim that one single question can reveal the psychopaths in your midst. This is why many such questions are used by researchers to just get an idea of how psychopathic someone may or may not be, but even then, this doesn’t properly identify a psychopath.

Business Insider points this out themselves, but there’s even more to this than first meets the eye.



Ask yourself: what do you think a psychopath is? A murdering, violent, unthinking monster, right? Actually, no. The somewhat creative way the term “psychopath” is often used throughout much of the media hints that this is indeed the definition, but it’s not at all.

Psychopathy is often ambiguously defined, and its details are hotly debated among experts.

Craig S. Neumann, Professor of Psychology at the University of North Texas, recently explained that although psychopathy is definitely real, it’s not as simple as a yes/no option for people. It’s almost certainly about a variety of traits, not just one defining characteristic.



“Despite the media’s portrayal and the general publics’ conception of the psychopath as seemingly inhuman and fundamentally unlike most people, the empirical evidence from large-scale studies suggests that psychopathic traits are dimensional in nature and thus are continuously distributed from low to high, as opposed to being a categorical condition where one either has the disorder or does not,” he wrote in a blog post.

In general, if someone has psychopathic tendencies, then they likely exhibit a few or most of these characteristics to varying degrees of severity: a lack of empathy, an ability to become emotionally detached, a lack of remorse, extremely bold social behaviors, a lack of fear, and unconscientiousness.

Even these are sometimes debated, however – and it’s worth pointing out that psychopathy isn’t yet a truly diagnosable, unique personality disorder, partly because a consensus on what it specifically is hasn’t been reached.



Psychopaths are also more likely than others to exhibit narcissism and Machiavellianism (i.e. be manipulative), but not always. They aren’t necessarily crazy, deranged or violent, and they can either struggle or excel intellectually. CEOs, journalists, astronauts, negotiators, and surgeons often exhibit psychopathic tendencies – but again, not always.

It’s not clear where psychopathy even comes from. How much of it is societal and psychological, and how much is hardwired into our neurology?

It’s not even certain how many people in society might be psychopathic to some degree. The proliferation of varyingly rigid psychological tests that let you self-diagnose your psychopathy arguably doesn’t help things out in this regard.



The point is that this is an issue that people want to be more black and white, more clear-cut, and simpler to understand, but it’s not. Experts in their respective fields are still trying to understand it themselves, which is why they’re conducting as much research on it as possible.

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