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Balboa Naval Hospital Mental Health

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall health and well-being. Balboa Naval Hospital recognizes this significance and provides exceptional mental health services to active duty military personnel, retirees, and their dependents. The hospital’s mental health clinic employs highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to serving their patients’ needs.

Types of Services Offered

Balboa Naval Hospital Mental Health Clinic offers various services, including individual psychotherapy, couples therapy, family therapy, and group therapy. The services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient. The hospital also provides medication management for patients with mental health disorders.

The mental health clinic has specific services to help individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma-focused therapy is a specialized form of therapy that is effective in helping individuals work through trauma. The therapy helps individuals develop coping strategies that help them deal with the aftermath of traumatic experiences.

Professionals in the Clinic

The mental health clinic at Balboa Naval Hospital has a team of professionals that includes psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed social workers, and licensed counselors. These professionals have years of experience and use evidence-based practices to treat patients. They also work in collaboration with other medical professionals to provide comprehensive care.

Each patient is assigned a mental health provider who will work with them throughout their treatment. The provider will conduct an assessment and develop a treatment plan based on the patient’s individual needs. The treatment plan may include therapy, medication management, or a combination of both.


Balboa Naval Hospital Mental Health Clinic is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of its patients. All medical records are kept confidential and are only shared on a need-to-know basis. Patients are encouraged to discuss any concerns they have about their privacy with their mental health provider.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment

Seeking treatment for mental health disorders is essential in promoting overall health and well-being. Mental health disorders can affect every aspect of a person’s life, including their relationships, work, and daily functioning. By seeking treatment, patients can learn to manage their symptoms better and improve their lives.

Balboa Naval Hospital’s mental health clinic provides a safe and supportive environment for patients to seek treatment. The professionals at the clinic are well-equipped to handle various mental health disorders and use evidence-based practices to provide effective treatment.


In conclusion, Balboa Naval Hospital Mental Health Clinic is a valuable resource for active duty military personnel, retirees, and their dependents. The hospital provides comprehensive mental health services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient. The professionals at the clinic are highly trained and use evidence-based practices to provide effective treatment. Patients can be assured that their privacy is protected and that they will receive the care they need to promote their overall health and well-being.