Difference between psychologist and psychiatrist uk

Deborah C. Escalante

Differences between psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy

This page explains the significant differences between roles in psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Staff working in these roles tend to deal with different types of problems, although there is also considerable overlap in their work.

Male psychologist with patient

Below is a brief description of each of the different areas.

Psychology is the study of people: how they think, how they act, react and interact. It’s concerned with all aspects of behaviour and the thoughts, feelings and motivation underlying such behaviour.

Psychology is a discipline that is firstly concerned with the normal functioning of the mind and has explored areas such as learning, remembering and the normal psychological development of children. It has been one of the fastest growing university subjects and is increasingly available in schools and colleges.

Psychologists are not usually medically qualified and only a small proportion of people studying psychology degrees will go on to work with patients.

Psychologists can specialise in a number of areas, such as mental health and educational and occupational psychology. In healthcare, psychologists specialise in clinical, counselling, forensic or health psychology.

Psychological therapy roles

There are also roles using psychology for other staff, including assistant psychologists, psychological wellbeing practitioners and high intensity therapists

Psychiatry is the study of mental health problems and their diagnosis, management and prevention. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have qualified in psychiatry. They often combine a broad general caseload alongside an area of special expertise and research.

Psychotherapy is conducted with individuals, groups, couples and families. Psychotherapists help people to overcome stress, emotional and relationship problems or troublesome habits.

There are many different approaches in psychotherapy, or talking therapies, which include:

  • cognitive behavioural therapies
  • psychoanalytic therapies
  • psychodynamic therapies
  • systemic and family psychotherapy
  • arts and play therapies
  • humanistic and integrative psychotherapies
  • hypno-psychotherapy
  • experiential constructivist therapies

A psychotherapist may be a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional, who has had further specialist training in psychotherapy. Increasingly, there are a number of psychotherapists who do not have backgrounds in the above fields, but who have undertaken in-depth training in this area.

Medical psychotherapists are fully-qualified doctors who have qualified in psychiatry and then undertaken a three or four-year specialist training in psychotherapy. Their role is in the psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with psychiatric illnesses.

The three main differences between psychiatrists and psychologists are:

  1. Psychiatrists are medical doctors, psychologists are not.

  2. Psychiatrists prescribe medication, psychologists can’t.
  3. Psychiatrists diagnose illness, manage treatment and provide a range of therapies for complex and serious mental illness. Psychologists focus on providing psychotherapy (talk therapy) to help patients.

Many people get psychiatrists and psychologists confused with each other.

Both psychiatrists and psychologists understand how the brain works, our emotions, feelings and thoughts. Both can treat mental illness with psychological treatments (talking therapies).

However, psychiatrists attend medical school and become medical doctors before doing specialist training in mental health. Because they are doctors, psychiatrists understand the links between mental and physical problems. They can also prescribe medications.

To go into it in some more detail, the main differences relate to:

  • training
  • treatments provided
  • conditions treated
  • getting an appointment.


Psychiatrists are medical doctors with at least 11 years of training – usually more. 

They first do a medical degree at university. Next they spend at least 1 or 2 years training as a general doctor.

They then complete at least 5 years training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.  

Psychologists have at least 6 years of university training and supervised experience.

They may also hold a Masters or Doctorate level qualification in psychology. If they have a Doctorate (PhD) a psychologist can call themselves ‘Dr’, but they are not medical doctors.  

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Clinical psychologists have special training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.

Treatments provided

Psychiatrists can provide a wide range of treatments, according to the particular problem and what will work best. These include:

  • medication
  • general medical care, including checking your physical health and the effects of medication
  • psychological treatments
  • brain stimulation therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Psychologists focus on providing psychological treatments.

Conditions treated 

Psychiatrists tend to treat people who need their medical, psychological and social needs considered.

These are usually people with complex conditions, for example:

  • severe depression
  • schizophrenia
  • bipolar disorder.

Someone who has attempted suicide or has suicidal thoughts will usually be seen by a psychiatrist.

Psychologists are more likely to see people with conditions that can be helped effectively with psychological treatments. This might include behavioural problems, learning difficulties, depression and anxiety.

Getting an appointment

As with all medical specialists, to see a psychiatrist you need a referral from your GP (family doctor).

To see a psychologist you don’t need a referral. However, in Australia a GP can refer you to a psychologist as part of a Mental Health Treatment Plan.

There are around 4000 psychiatrists working across Australia and New Zealand, while there are about 27,000 registered psychologists.

Working together

Psychiatrists and psychologists often work together. A psychiatrist might make an initial assessment and diagnosis, then refer you to a psychologist for ongoing psychological treatment (talking therapy).

Psychiatrists and psychologists also work together in hospitals as part of mental health teams.

Who should I see?

If you are unsure whether you should see a psychiatrist or a psychologist, talk to your GP. They can give you advice about whether a psychiatrist or a psychologist is right for you.

It will depend on your unique situation and the type of treatment you need. Some people might see both.

More about first steps to get help

More about psychiatrists

So what is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?


Something we get asked quite a lot!

A psychiatrist is a medically-qualified practitioner who will have first spent 5/6 years training as a doctor.

They will then have worked as a doctor for at least a year. Following that, the psychiatrist will then have had at least six years of further training in helping people with psychological problems.

What are a psychiatrist’s special skills?

All psychiatrists will learn how to:

  • assess a person’s state of mind
  • use the “biopsychosocial” model of understanding. This emphasises the importance of a person’s past experiences, family, culture, surroundings and work as well as any medical features.
  • diagnose a mental illness
  • use a range of psychological treatments
  • use a range of medications
  • help a person recover

As well as these ‘core’ skills, a psychiatrist will specialise and develop skills in working with the particular problems that affect different groups of people.


Psychologists have a degree in psychology. Chartered Clinical Psychologists are not usually medically-trained, but have undertaken a long and robust training following their psychology degree.

They are primarily concerned with the study of how people think, act, react and interact.


A psychotherapist may be a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional who has had further specialist training in psychotherapy.

As well as listening and discussing important issues with you, the psychotherapist can suggest strategies for resolving problems and, if necessary, help you to change your attitudes and behaviour.

A mental health team

The Mental Health Team is a group of mental health professionals who work together to help people with a wide range of mental health problems. The different professions all have different knowledge and skills which can be used to tackle problems together.

Our consultant psychiatrists can provide you with a full initial assessment, opinion, recommendations, suggested treatment plan and report diagnosis all within a few days of you being seen. Why wait?


The Psychiatry UK Team


We have often heard of what a counsellor is, a psychologist and a psychiatrist, but what are they differences between them, and which do you need help from?

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Now may be a time in your life where you need to seek professional help. It is no secret that life can have some significant hurdles and challenges, so having the support and guidance of someone who knows how to leverage your strengths and give you the stepping stones to overcome them is ideal. However, with the vast range of different people you can see for help, it might be confusing to know which one would be valuable for your particular needs. To give you more insight, here is a breakdown of each commonly used processional, how they differ, and how they are similar so you can seek the best one to fulfil your needs. It will hopefully also explain a little bit more of what Quest Psychology Service’s role is regarding being your counselling psychologist.

Dr Warwick graduating as a counselling psychologist

Dr Warwick graduating as a Counselling Psychologist from the University of Manchester


A Counsellor, who can also hold the title as a therapist, are people who are life advising and coaching practitioners. They work with clients to help them identify their goals, aspirations, potential and come up with viable solutions to problems that cause them emotional distress. They are great at growing communication, coping, self-esteem, and promoting positive behaviour.  Some counsellors work more generally over a wide range of issues, while there are others who specialise in certain areas such as depression, relationship problems, or children. Keep in mind that some counsellors offer non-licensed services, so make sure you find someone who is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

To break it down into an easy to read list for you to absorb, in a nutshell:

  • A counsellor help you figure out and organise your problems and come up with healthy solutions to solve them. They work well with addressing issues you are currently facing so you can move forward to a better future.
  • Do not have the same extensive educational requirements or clinical licensing as other forms of therapy. They must at least have a diploma level training (2 years), but many can hold degrees (3 years) and masters (a total of 5 years training).
  • This is a good option for people who are already aware of and understand their wellbeing and know that they can resolve issues with insightful recommendations.
  • This is oftentimes a short-term process for long term mental health benefits. The actual duration can certainly vary depending on your situation, but in general, it is usually 12 weeks or less. If your mental health is more severe, they will most likely refer you to someone more equipped to handle your case and diagnose you.


Tapping into psychotherapists, this is where you can resolve emotional uses by modifying certain aspects of your life that make you vulnerable. These people are actually either a registered counsellor or psychologists who specialised in psychotherapy. People with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, or other similar illnesses can be supported by a psychotherapist.

There are many different methods when it comes to this profession. For example, it could involve analysing dreams and exploring your history to dive into unconscious conflicts and bring them to a conscious level so you can deal with them. This route is very interchangeable with other therapies due to overlapping features, but the main things you can expect with a psychotherapist include:

  • Help with psychological issues that have been built up throughout your life. They will have you go back to your childhood and discuss different life circumstances up until the present day to get a good idea of how you were shaped and influenced.
  • Grasp a better understanding of your feelings, actions, and thoughts. Overall, this is a valuable way to live a happy, quality life and feel like you can reach your full potential.
  • Unlike counselling, this is a longer-termed process that will identify emotional issues tied with personal backgrounds and life challenges that have been faced. The method may be a longer one, but you are more than likely to come out, enlightened, and have a more substantial capability to take control of your life.
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Counselling Psychologists

Next up are counselling psychologists. In the UK, counselling psychologists must complete a doctorate (a total of 8 years training from undergraduate to post-graduate) and are registered with the British Psychology Society (BPS) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). These professionals are very similar to general counselling services, both addressing emotional issues and helping clients resolve them. Counselling psychology focuses on social, emotional, school, work, and physical health concerns for people during all stages of their lives. They target stresses, struggles, and work with clients to enrich their wellbeing, alleviate distressful feelings, and resolve crises. They can also provide an assessment, diagnose, and treat the more severe psychological symptoms you may have. The key difference is that whilst counsellors do use evidence-based practice, counselling psychologists must adhere to literature and research-based treatments.

Keep in mind that psychologists, whilst doctors, are not medical doctors, and cannot write prescriptions or perform any kind of medical procedure despite being trained in psychopharmacology.

Clinical Psychologists

A clinical psychologist is again someone trained to doctoral level. They are experts in the study of mind and behaviours, and they are great at evaluating and treating both mental and emotional disorders. In the UK, unlike counselling psychologists, they tend to work primarily within the NHS and prison services. Whereas counselling psychologists may also work in other settings like schools and charities. Historically there was more of a diagnostic focus within this discipline due to being trained to deliver diagnostic tests, evaluations, observations, and interviews to come up with disorder diagnoses. These people focus more on the theory, science, and clinical knowledge to understand their clients’ psychology to help them gain a better quality of life.


Psychiatrists are medical doctors registered with the General Medical Council (GMC), unlike the previous professions listed. These professionals specialise in preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental illnesses. Those who go into this career start with four years in medical school, partake in a one-year internship, and complete at least three years of specialised training as a psychiatric resident. These people are trained to differentiate mental health issues from other medical, underlying conditions that could cause psychiatric symptoms. They also monitor the effects of mental illness on other physical present conditions one may have. They are less likely to engage in the psychological therapy and more in the case management, diagnosis and medication side of care. 


The truth is that each category above are all very similar, but just different enough to make them excellent for people who are seeking specific needs in their niches. It is always nice to have a broad range of options to choose from when it comes to bettering your life and mental health. But knowing which person to go with can feel daunting when you are not fully aware of each profession. Because of that, use the information above to help you with your journey. Though it may feel like an uncertain, scary time for you, there is always someone out there who is more than willing to help you through it. Start by choosing the right category who targets what you need assistance with, and the rest, such as connecting with someone who understands you, will all fall into place organically.

Remember, nothing is as important as your overall health, and that includes your mental health. With that in mind, never give up, realise you deserve to be happy, and seeking help is not a weakness, it is courageous and inspirational.

Quest Psychology Services are specialists in providing psychology and counselling within Salford, Manchester. To discuss getting help yourself call us on 07932737335

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