How Emotional Trauma Can Take A Toll On IQ And Cognitive Abilities

Deborah C. Escalante

Can emotional trauma affect IQ?
Can emotional trauma affect IQ?

Can Emotional Trauma Affect IQ?

It is now widely accepted that emotional trauma can have a significant and lasting impact on a person’s mental and physical health. This has been demonstrated by numerous studies and research into the long-term effects of trauma, both on adults and children. But what about the effects on IQ? Can emotional trauma and distress impact a person’s intelligence?

IQ and Emotional Trauma

The short answer is yes. It has been found that emotional trauma and distress can have a detrimental effect on both intelligence and academic achievement. Studies have shown that children with a history of trauma and distress have significantly lower IQ scores and academic achievement levels than those without such a history.

One of the most comprehensive studies on the subject was conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina. This study, which was published in the journal Psychological Science, looked at the IQ and academic achievement scores of over 4,000 children aged 5 to 18. The researchers found that children who had been exposed to violence or had experienced trauma-related distress had significantly lower IQ scores and academic achievement scores than those without such a history.

The Impact of Emotional Trauma on IQ

The impact of emotional trauma on IQ and academic achievement can be quite significant. Using the derived regression equation to estimate effect sizes, a child experiencing both violence exposure and trauma-related distress at or above the 90th percentile would be expected to have a 7.5-point (SD, 0.5) decrement in IQ and a 9.8-point (SD, 0.66) decrement in reading achievement. This is a significant decrease in a person’s cognitive functioning and academic performance.

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It is important to note, however, that the effects of emotional trauma on IQ and academic achievement are not permanent and can be reversed or improved upon with the help of a professional and appropriate therapy or intervention. Studies have shown that interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy, trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy, and family therapy can help reduce the impact of emotional trauma on IQ and academic achievement.


In conclusion, emotional trauma can have a significant and lasting impact on a person’s IQ and academic achievement. Studies have shown that children with a history of violence exposure or trauma-related distress have significantly lower IQ scores and academic achievement levels than those without such a history. However, the effects of emotional trauma on IQ and academic achievement are not permanent and can be reversed or improved upon with the help of a professional and appropriate therapy or intervention.

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