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How much does cbt therapy cost in india

What is Cognitive behavioral therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy or a CBT as it is commonly called is known as a “Talk Therapy”. This is a therapy which focuses on your negativity in life and tries to channel your emotions and your thought process in a more positive way. This is achieved by a series of sessions with the counsellor or the therapist. CBT can be very effective in treating mental disorders such as depression, post-traumatic disorder or in some rare cases, an eating disorder. It is basically done so that your life can become balanced and you would be able to live your life in a profitable way.

The treatment would be laid out in a structured way, and your counsellor would decide on the number of sessions you would need for betterment. The sessions usually focus on you to talk and make you responsible for your actions. These sessions also help you cope with grief or loss and help you deal with a mental illness. You might also be facing abuse or violence, and these treatments can assist you with relieving them and cope up with them. Drugs are rarely involved, and if involved they would work in tandem with other treatment options.

Types of Cognitive Behavior therapies:

There are numerous types of therapies to treat Cognitive Behavior, some of them are as follows:

  1. Discerning Emotive Behavior Therapy:

    This kind of CBT is fixated on distinguishing and changing unreasonable convictions. The procedure of REBT includes distinguishing the hidden nonsensical convictions, effectively testing these convictions, lastly figuring out how to perceive and change these thought designs.

  2. Psychological Therapy:

    This type of treatment is fixated on recognizing and changing mistaken or misshaped thinking designs, passionate reactions, and practices.

  3. Multimodal Therapy:

    This type of CBT recommends that mental issues must be treated by tending to seven diverse yet interconnected modalities, which are conduct, influence, sensation, symbolism, insight, relational factors and medication or organic contemplations.

  4. Argumentative Behavior Therapy:

    This kind of subjective conduct treatment tends to speculation examples and patterns and behaviours, for example, emotional regulation and care.

What are cognitive therapy techniques?

cognitive treatment is a psychosocial treatment that expects that broken psychological, or thought, designs cause maladaptive behavior and emotional reactions. The treatment centers around changing musings so as to modify mental and character issues.

What is the Process of Cognitive behavioral therapy?

The procedure is known as a talk therapy where you would be fixing up a specific time with the counsellor. During these sessions, the counsellor would try to get into your frame and focus on the things that bother you and things that bring out the negativity in you. In many cases, you would be requested to talk a lot and open up yourself. The counsellor can start from your early childhood and can continue with your adult life. It would be only after five or six sessions that the real nature of the underlying condition would be discussed.

It is the channel to experience and revisit painful memories, emotions, and experiences. You can also be physically drained from these sessions, but that is what these sessions are for – to be open about your condition. Also, the treatments can break your thought process, and you can look at many scenarios of life differently. You may be made to undergo certain activities in life that you normally would not do, due to fear or anxiety. For example, if you have trouble with crowds, you might be asked to go through a crowded marketplace just to let go of our fear. Drugs are involved only if needed and are used only as a last resort.

Who would need a CBT?

Any individual who is suffering from mental health disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder or an eating disorder can be a candidate for the treatment. It can be done irrespective of gender or age. Since these types of treatment deal with the psychological imbalances of a person, they are advised upon more frequently to change his behaviour patterns.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

here are no eligibility criteria and every individual who is having trouble with the idea of existence and post-traumatic syndrome can be a potential candidate for such therapies. Also, this treatment is imparted upon as a series of session and more of a talk between the counsellor and the patient. Hence the treatment can be had irrespective of age or gender.

Are there any side effects of CBT?

There are no side effects for such treatment as they involve a series of talk between a patient and a counselor. There can be some medications and drugs involved at a later point of time, and in such cases, you might have to discuss with your doctor about the side effects and the nature of the effects the drugs can have on you.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?

You might have to make lots of changes in your lifestyle and your environment. The principal factor the therapist addresses upon is the shift in place that can focus you in the right direction. Also, the treatment identifies what is the reason for your condition and works on it from the root cause. You might have to stay away from the activities that cause it in the first place. For example, if the reason for your condition is due to the stress that you face in your work then you have to look for a change of workplace to control the emotions.

How long does it take to recover?

The treatment plan depends on every individual and is customized to suit every individual’s need. As a result, the length of the treatment may vary. It usually comprises of a session between a counselor and the patient and the average treatment plan would consist of between 10 to 20 sessions.

What is the price of treatment in India?

Again, this depends on the medical centre and the number of sessions a person has. Each session can cost on an average of about INR 300. In the case of medications being involved, the costs can be added.

What are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

  • Support:

    Psychological Behavioral Therapy gives an encouraging group of people to individuals recouping from mental issue. Since it is activity-based, patients realize they have somebody to go to as they work through their concern. Realizing that there is somebody intrigued by them and their recuperation enables patients to move in the direction of changing negative practices.

  • Raises Self-Esteem:

    For some, individuals, low confidence is at the foundation of their issue. Intellectual Behavioral Therapy enables patients to build confidence by concentrating on issues and moving in the direction of the arrangement. As patients discover answers their faith in themselves develops and they can vanquish the confusion.

  • Creation of Positive Thought:

    With numerous psychological issue, negative thoughts rise and control over the life of the patient. Negative reasoning ends up programmed with numerous patients. Subjective Behavioral Therapy shows patients how to transform negative contemplations into positive, practical ones.

  • Anger Management:

    Controlling one’s anger and figuring out how direct outrage is a noteworthy issue with the rationally sick patient. Patients feel blame and disgrace and these emotions transform into annoyance at the world. Subjective Behavioral Therapy tends to the hidden issues that enable feelings to end up overpowering. It shows patients different techniques to help control passionate reactions and to help them in perceiving the explanations for the displeasure.

  • Better Communication Skills:

    Keeping up connections is troublesome when experiencing depression, enslavement, and social nervousness. Intellectual Behavioral Therapy causes patients to figure out how to convey their sentiments to others without getting to be outraged or feeling disgrace.

Are the results of the CBT permanent?

The treatment works predominantly on the type of the condition one is treated with. Having said that- the results can vary from person to person. The treatment can be more permanent when the individual is more open to the treatment plan and how far he/she is cooperating with the counselor. Also, the results of the drug may vary.

What are the alternatives to the CBT?

The person, as an alternative treatment, can involve himself with activities that can keep him occupied with a favourite hobby or a pass time. Also, he /she can indulge in sports and recreation or can look for alternate options such as yoga or meditation. An individual has to accept himself first, and he/she can find the medium through various channels like travelling, exercises, and therapies.

Key Highlights:

Safety: High

Effectiveness: High

Timeliness: High

Relative Risk: Low

Side Effects: Low

Recovery Time: Medium

Price Range: RS. 300 and above