How to cure flowerhorn stress

Deborah C. Escalante

The Flowerhorn fish is definitely one of the most unique creatures on the planet. Much like every other living thing, Flowerhorn need ways to cope with, reduce, or avoid stress and its effects. The Flowerhorn fish, in particular, can be very sensitive to different stressors.

So, how to reduce Flowerhorn Stress? The first thing you must do is recognize when your Flowerhorn is feeling stressed.  Secondly, you must try to determine what the stressors or triggers are for your Flowerhorn. There are many things that might stress your Flowerhorn. Correcting any stress for your fish is much simpler than you might think.

Your Flowerhorn is an amazing man-made specimen, created by crossbreeding different Cichlid strains. They do not exist naturally in a wild habitat. Flowerhorn fish have enjoyed increasing popularity the world over since the early 1990s. There are many reasons that the Flowerhorn has become so sought after. Brilliant colors and an interesting personality are just the beginning. The Flowerhorn also has a reputation for bringing great luck to its owners. Lastly, the exotic Flowerhorn is a breed that is as easy to care for and maintain as most other tropical fish. A little tender loving care will bring out the absolute best in the Flowerhorn.

What are the Common Signs of Flowerhorn Stress?

There are many signals your Flowerhorn will give you when it is becoming stressed.  Lack of appetite, extreme or unusual aggression, and trying to hide in the tank, are only a few of the signs of stress you may notice.   Your Flowerhorn may change color or fade when it becomes stressed.  Other signs of a stressed Flowerhorn can include being prone to illnesses.  Stress has an impact on the overall health of your Flowerhorn because the immune system can be affected.  Because of this, you may notice it become more prone to infections such as ich, hole-in-head disease, and dropsy.

Are there strains of Flowerhorn more prone to Stress?

Essentially, all the known strains of Flowerhorn need the same kind of care.  There are no strains of Flowerhorn that are more or less prone to any kind of stress.   However, there will be differences in some strains regarding their needs. All large strains of Flowerhorn will need a comparatively larger tank. Not only that, but the most aggressive varieties, or any Flowerhorn showing above average aggression for a Flowerhorn, will be best off kept alone in their own tank to avoid stressing the fish.

How can Tank size Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Imagine yourself in a room for each day of your life with barely enough room to move.  Every time you try to turn, you bump an elbow, a knee, or your head.  This is how your Flowerhorn feels when you have chosen a tank that is not an appropriate size.  Your Flowerhorn needs the room to move in its home.  A tank for even the smallest variety of Flowerhorn should not hold less than roughly 100 gallons of water. The reason for this is not simply spaciousness for your Flowerhorn; larger amounts of water are easier to keep clean than smaller amounts of water. As a result, this reduces potential bacterial issues and prevents fouling of your Flowerhorns environment.

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Can Tank Location Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Just as with any other variety of fish, where you choose to set up your tank can have a huge impact on the stress level of your Flowerhorn. An area that gets direct sunlight can create algae bloom and promote bacterial growth, even with proper water changes. Thus, this kind of imbalance in the water creates physical stress on your fish.  However, your Flowerhorn would do very well in an area receiving a good amount of natural bright light.  A noisy, constantly busy part of your home would also increase the stress levels of your Flowerhorn.  Your fish will prefer a quieter area of your home. In this way, it can both observe its surroundings and be observed.

Can proper Water parameters Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Although most fish are highly adaptable, Flowerhorn have very specific needs when it comes to the water they are living in.  If the balance of that water is out of parameter by even the smallest amount, over time it can cause your Flowerhorn to become stressed.  Therefore, it is important that your keep your pH levels and water alkalinity within a specific range. The recommended range for pH levels for your Flowerhorn are between 6.0 and 8.0.  Alkalinity should be between 6 and 20 dGH.  Also, Flowerhorn fish also tend to be extremely sensitive the levels of nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia.  Weekly water changes will avoid stressing your Flowerhorn.

Does Water Movement Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Whether or not your Flowerhorn prefers to have a moderate currentin their tank is gong to depend on your specific Flowerhorn. Rather thanhelping to reduce Flowerhorn stress, it might instead just make it worse.   Many Flowerhorn appreciate a bit of a currentin their water, just as other fish do. The reason for this is that fish appreciate anything that might helpthem get about, and a gentle current will do just that. Acceptable watermovement for a Flowerhorn would be movement produced by the properly sized motorfor your water filter.  Bubble bars-whichproduce a wall of bubbles for fish to play and swim in-are not a good idea foryour Flowerhorn and would likely increase rather than reduce stress.

How does Water Temperature Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Your Flowerhorn has close relatives that hail from the climate in Victoria, Malawi, and Edward Lakes in the continent of Africa.  Flowerhorn themselves originated in either Malaysia, Taiwan, or Thailand. Because of the climates in these parts of the world, the Flowerhorn is considered a type of Tropical fish.  Thus, Flowerhorn will thrive in water that is within the range of between 28 and 31 degrees Celsius. Temperatures cooler than this will cause stress in your Flowerhorn.

Does Aqua scaping Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

As much as you might love seeing all the rocks, plants, and even bubbling treasure chests decorating your fish tank, chances are your Flowerhorn doesn’t share your opinion.  Flowerhorn fish prefer a minimalistic approach when it comes to the décor in their homes. Some substrate will be fine for most Flowerhorn. Plants, rocks, or other decorations that can be uprooted and moved often are.   Tanks are usually left bare so there is no obstruction to the movement of the Flowerhorn.  On occasion, however, you may wish to provide a few rocks for the odd shy or skittish Flowerhorn who might feel they need the cover.

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What Foods Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Providing your Flowerhorn with a healthy and balanced diet is the best way to reduce stress in your fish and even avoid it altogether. Your Flowerhorn is primarily carnivorous, meaning most of its food supply naturally comes from other aquatic animals. The Flowerhorn needs a diet rich in proteins, so include things like various insects, market shrimp, brine shrimp, worms, and even smaller feeder fish. Some Flowerhorn also enjoy treats such as blanched veggies or non-fibrous fruit.

Will Human Interaction Reduce Flowerhorn Stress?

Your Flowerhorn will be very aware of you as another being and will watch and even follow your movements around its tank. Therefore, there are Flowerhorn enthusiasts who have a very good relationship with their fish. Some Flowerhorn will even allow their humans to make physical contact with them and enjoy light touches or the stroking of the Nuchal Hump. However, a stressed Flowerhorn most likely won’t allow any interaction.  It may even cause further stress to your Flowerhorn, and in some cases cause serious aggression resulting in injuries to yourself, your Flowerhorn, or both of you.

What Tank Mates Help with Flowerhorn Stress?

There are truly very few fish that will be compatible as tank mates with your Flowerhorn. By nature, Flowerhorn are both territorial and aggressive.  Most people have the best success with their Flowerhorn by keeping them alone in a tank. However, should you choose to have other fish in your tank, any non-aggressive and quiet fish will be fine.  Plecostomus are a good choice for tank mates that won’t stress the Flowerhorn fish. Other good candidates for tanks mates can be small fast fish that have spots to hide from the Flowerhorn.  However, it is best to be prepared to remove any other fish from a shared tank if needed.

Your Flowerhorn will be an excellent addition to your aquatic hobby.  Providing your Flowerhorn with everything it requires to be happy will help reduce the chances having to deal with a stressed fish.  By having these beautiful fish stay looking and feeling their best, your life is enhanced as well-you will have one of the most spectacular creatures imaginable to spend time with, and to enjoy in your own quiet moments.

You may gaze into your aquarium sometimes and think about what a peaceful life it must be. After all, fish get to swim around all day in a beautiful tank and get fed and cared for by their owner. Though it seems odd, the truth is that fish can get stressed in much the same way as humans do. Whether it’s a messy home, strained relationships with friends and family, or just general business, you can sympathize with a stressed out fish. Just like humans, though, stress in fish can lead to serious health complications, so it’s important to be able to recognize when your fish is stressed and what you can do to help.

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Symptoms: You should observe your fish often for any of these signs of stress.

  • Gasping at the Surface: If a fish is gasping his mouth at the surface, this is a sign of stress brought on by poor water conditions, usually a lack of oxygen.
  • Appetite: If a fish is stressed, oftentimes he will not eat.
  • Disease: Ich, characterized by white spots on the body of a fish, and other diseases can appear as a result of your stress. If you observe this or any other visible ailments or sores on your fish, you should talk to your veterinarian about possible treatments.
  • Strange Swimming: When fish are stressed, they often develop odd swimming patterns. If your fish is swimming frantically without going anywhere, crashing at the bottom of his tank, rubbing himself on gravel or rocks, or locking his fins at his side, he may be experiencing significant stress. Talk to your veterinarian about treatment and look into what may be causing the stress and alleviating it.


Causes: Stress in fish is caused by many different factors. Most situations that can result in a change of habitat or a disturbance in routine and behavior are able to cause stress. Here are some examples:

  • Improper water conditions: The conditions of your fish’s water can cause lots of stress if they are poorly maintained. If you see your fish gasping at the surface, you should conduct a water test immediately to find out if there is anything wrong with it. High ammonia or nitrate levels, low oxygen levels, improper temperature or a high or low pH can cause stress. If you have a saltwater tank, incorrect salt levels could have a similar effect.
  • Troubles with other fish: Like humans, not all fish get along, and they often feel cramped if they live with too many other fish or the wrong fish. Make sure you don’t put too many fish in your aquarium, as this leads to various problems in fish combativeness and water quality. Also, fish need multiple hiding spots so that they can avoid aggressors. In addition, when feeding your fish, try to evenly distribute the food, so fish don’t have to compete.
  • Other factors: In addition to those already mentioned, there are some other factors that lead to stress. One of these is the presence of any added chemicals or medications in the fish’s tank. Make sure when treating a sick fish, he is properly quarantined first. Additionally, improper diet can cause stress. Make sure you know your fish’s ideal diet and do your best to adhere to it. Finally, disturbances of a fish’s habitat such as banging or loud noises can lead to stress. If you have children, make sure they know to respect the fish’s home.


Next Steps: If you determine that your fish is suffering from stress, you should act quickly to treat him. If left alone, stress can lead to serious and possibly fatal diseases like Dropsy and Fin Rot. First, you should try to determine what is stressing your fish, and eliminate that cause. You can do this by testing the water and examining your fish’s behavior. If this doesn’t improve your fish’s condition, you should talk to your veterinarian about possible solutions.

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