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How to Excel on AP Psychology FRQ using the Latest Rubric

How to Excel on AP Psychology FRQ using the Latest Rubric

Are you taking the AP Psychology exam? Are you worried about the Free Response Questions (FRQs)? Fear not, for we have the latest rubric that will help you excel in your exam!

The AP Psychology exam is a rigorous test that evaluates your knowledge of Psychology. The FRQs on the exam are a significant portion of the test, and to get a good score, you need to know what the graders are looking for. The rubric tells you exactly that.

Understanding the Rubric

The AP Psychology FRQ rubric has six dimensions:

  1. Claim/Thesis
  2. Evidence
  3. Reasoning/Explanation
  4. Contextualization
  5. Synthesis
  6. Evaluation

Each of these dimensions has a specific set of criteria, and if you fulfill them, you’ll get points.


In this dimension, you need to clearly state your argument in response to the prompt. Your claim should be clear, specific, and address the prompt directly.


The evidence dimension requires you to provide relevant and sufficient evidence to support your claim. Your evidence can come from the provided stimulus material or your own knowledge/experience. You need to clearly explain how your evidence supports your claim.


In this dimension, you need to provide a logical and coherent reasoning for your claim. You need to connect your evidence to your claim and use appropriate terminology and concepts to support your argument.


The contextualization dimension requires you to show an understanding of the broader context of the prompt. You need to explain how the prompt relates to other psychological concepts, theories, or perspectives.


In this dimension, you need to connect different ideas or concepts in psychology and integrate them into your argument. You need to demonstrate your ability to see the bigger picture and connect different pieces of information.


The evaluation dimension focuses on the quality and strength of your argument. You need to evaluate the limitations and implications of your argument and address any counterarguments.

Tips to Excel on AP Psychology FRQ

Now that you have a better understanding of the rubric, here are some tips to help you score high on the AP Psychology FRQ:

  1. Read the prompt carefully and underline the verbs or action words that tell you what to do.

  2. Plan your response before writing. Organize your thoughts and ideas and create an outline.

  3. Use terminology and concepts from the course material. Use them appropriately and accurately.

  4. Provide specific and relevant examples. Use examples to illustrate your argument and make it more concrete.

  5. Pay attention to detail. Format your response correctly, write legibly, and check for spelling and grammar errors.

  6. Be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary information and irrelevant details.

  7. Manage your time wisely. Allocate your time according to the value of each question, and prioritize the ones you feel more confident answering.


The AP Psychology FRQ can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and understanding of the rubric, you can ace it. Remember to address each dimension of the rubric, use appropriate terminology and concepts, provide relevant examples, avoid errors, and manage your time wisely. Good luck on your exam!