Kang tai health spa massage & therapy

Deborah C. Escalante

Where do I even begin? I’ll bullet point my experience to keep it easy to read:-no less than four times the massuer pulled my covering off leaving me completely naked and exposed on the table without asking permission even though I very loudly shared this was not appropriate the first time-twice she climbed up on the massage table with me and straddled me, using my body as a chair while she massaged my back-there was absolutely no discussion beforehand about my body (e.g. injuries, areas that are hurting, etc) that I’ve had with every other massage I’ve ever had and no paperwork to fill out. Had I injuries they would have been made worse (there is literal punching involved with this massage)-there are no doors, only curtains so you can hear everything that happens in the establishment, every conversation, every movement-when the massage was finished I was left and there was no one around in the lobby, the store was left empty. I went to my car. A few minutes later, as I was looking up directions home, the massuer came banging on my car door window demanding a tipDo not go here

Join us at Kang Tai Health Spa! Our massage therapists put your needs first so you feel better as soon as possible. A deep tissue massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. 

This massage therapy is beneficial for athletes and those who work at a desk for long periods of time. Kang Tai Health Spa is located at 303 Worcester Rd. Framingham, MA. Visit us today! Like us on Facebook & Yelp.

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Established in 2018.Bodywork & Massage Therapy: Tui-Na, Shiatu, Acupressure, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Therapy, Foot Reflexology, Painful Muscle/Joint Smoke TherapyJoin us at Kang Tai Health Spa! Our massage therapists put your needs first so you feel better as soon as possible. A deep tissue massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body.

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