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Psychology Informed Consent Form Template: A Comprehensive Guide

Psychology Informed Consent Form Template: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re a mental health professional, you understand the importance of obtaining informed consent from your clients. Informed consent is a process that involves discussing the risks and benefits of treatment, as well as alternative options, with the client before they agree to receive treatment.

For psychologists, this process is governed by ethical codes that require professionals to obtain informed consent from clients prior to initiating any type of treatment. The purpose of this process is to ensure that clients understand what they can expect from treatment and that they are making an informed choice to receive care.

One of the most important components of the informed consent process is the use of a psychology informed consent form. This document serves as evidence that the client has been fully informed about the nature of the services they are receiving, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with those services.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with a psychology informed consent form template that you can use in your practice. We’ll discuss the important elements of a consent form, explain why each element is important, and provide you with tips for customizing the template to meet your specific needs.

What Should a Psychology Informed Consent Form Include?

A psychology informed consent form should be a comprehensive document that includes all the necessary information about the client’s treatment. The following sections are typically included in a consent form:


This section of the form should include an explanation of what informed consent is, why it is important, and what the client can expect during the process. This section should also include a statement indicating that the client has the right to ask questions and that they can withdraw their consent at any time.

Description of Services

In this section, you should describe the services that you will be providing to the client. This should include an overview of the treatment plan, the length of treatment, and any specific techniques that will be used.

Risks and Benefits

This section should outline the potential risks and benefits associated with the treatment. It’s important to be thorough in this section, and to provide the client with as much information as possible about what they can expect.


In this section, you should describe any alternative treatment options that the client may have. This could include other types of therapy or medication, or it could include non-treatment options.

Confidentiality and Privacy

It’s important to explain to the client how you will handle their personal and confidential information. This section should explain your privacy policy, including who will have access to the client’s information and under what circumstances.

Payment and Billing

This section should provide information about the costs associated with treatment and how the client will be billed.

Contact Information

Finally, you should provide your contact information, including your office phone number, email address, and mailing address.

Tips for Customizing the Psychology Informed Consent Form Template

While the template we have provided is a comprehensive document that covers all the important elements of the informed consent process, it’s important to customize it to meet your specific needs. Here are some tips for doing so:

Use Client-Friendly Language

Avoid using technical terminology or language that may be confusing or intimidating to the client. Instead, use language that is clear and easy to understand.

Be Thorough

The informed consent process is designed to ensure that clients have all the necessary information about their treatment. As such, it’s important to be as thorough as possible in your descriptions of the services, risks, benefits, and alternative options.

Address Client Concerns

If you anticipate that your client may have specific concerns about the treatment, be sure to address those concerns directly in the consent form. For example, if the client is concerned about the cost of treatment, you could include a section explaining your sliding-scale fee policy.

Review and Update Regularly

As your practice evolves and new treatments become available, it’s important to review and update your consent form regularly. This will help to ensure that your form remains current and accurate.


Obtaining informed consent from your clients is one of the most important ethical considerations for mental health professionals. By using a comprehensive psychology informed consent form, you can help to ensure that your clients have all the information they need to make an informed decision about their treatment. Use the template we have provided as a starting point, and customize it to meet your specific needs.