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Psychotherapy and counselling federation of australia code of ethics

Psychotherapy and counselling federation of australia code of ethics

PACFA sets high standards of ethical conduct for the counselling and psychotherapy profession. This supports the ethical practice of counsellors and psychotherapists and helps to protect the public from harm.

PACFA members, including practitioners, affiliates, students, educators, trainers and researchers, are required to work to the PACFA Code of Ethics 2017. PACFA Member Associations registrants are also required to abide by the Code of Ethics of any PACFA Member Associations to which they belong. 

PACFA and its Member Associations have complaints handling processes where there are concerns that the ethics standards have not been met. Practitioners are held accountable for any breaches of the relevant codes of ethics.

See information on how to make a complaint. All complaints are heard in accordance with PACFA’s Professional Conduct Procedures 2020.

PACFA’s ethical standards are implemented and reviewed by the PACFA Ethics Committee.

PACFA also provides training in ethics and ethical practice to support practitioners and to maintain high ethical standards.

These are the sources and citations used to research Ethics. This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on Tuesday, December 19, 2017

  • Book

    Beauchamp, T. L. and Childress, J. F.

    Principals of Biomedical Ethics

    2009 – Oxford University Press

    In-text: (Beauchamp and Childress, 2009)

    Your Bibliography: Beauchamp, T. and Childress, J., 2009. Principals of Biomedical Ethics. 6th ed. Oxford University Press.

  • Book

    Bentham, J.

    The collected works of Jeremy Bentham

    1988 – Athlone Press – London

    In-text: (Bentham, 1988)

    Your Bibliography: Bentham, J., 1988. The collected works of Jeremy Bentham. London: Athlone Press.

  • Book

    Fisher, C. B.

    Decoding the Ethics Code

    2012 – SAGE Publications

    In-text: (Fisher, 2012)

    Your Bibliography: Fisher, C., 2012. Decoding the Ethics Code. 2nd ed. SAGE Publications.

  • Website

    Hursthouse, R. and Pettigrove, G.

    Virtue Ethics


    In-text: (Hursthouse and Pettigrove, 2018)

    Your Bibliography: Hursthouse, R. and Pettigrove, G., 2018. Virtue Ethics. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 January 2018].

  • Book

    Kant, I. and Paton, H. J.

    Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals

    2009 – Harper Perennial Modern Thought – New York

    In-text: (Kant and Paton, 2009)

    Your Bibliography: Kant, I. and Paton, H., 2009. Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Thought.

  • Website

    Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Code of Ethics

    2017 – P.A.C.F.A.

    In-text: (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Code of Ethics, 2017)

    Your Bibliography: 2017. Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Code of Ethics. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 December 2017].

  • Website

    Psychotherapy And Counselling Federation of Australia Professional Conduct Procedures

    2017 – P.A.C.F.A.

    In-text: (Psychotherapy And Counselling Federation of Australia Professional Conduct Procedures, 2017)

    Your Bibliography: 2017. Psychotherapy And Counselling Federation of Australia Professional Conduct Procedures. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 December 2017].

  • Website

    Winslade, W. J. and Ross, J. W.

    Privacy, Confidentiality, and Autonomy in Psychotherapy

    1985 – Nebraska Law Review

    In-text: (Winslade and Ross, 1985)

    Your Bibliography: Winslade, W. and Ross, J., 1985. Privacy, Confidentiality, and Autonomy in Psychotherapy. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 December 2017].