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Reubens psychotherapist is nonjudgmental and supportive

Reubens psychotherapist is nonjudgmental and supportive

QuestionAnswer Carl Rogers Developed client-centered therapy, ehich uses techniques such as active listening within a genuine, accepting, empathic environment to facilitate client’s growth Sigmund Freud Developed psychoanalysis, which uses the patient’s free associations, resistance, dreams, and transferances to give patients insight into previously repressed feelings Whilr — focused on reveling the absurdity of people’s self-defeating ideas through a more confrontational approach, — sought to reverse people’s catastrophizing beliefs anout themselves through the use of gentle questioning Alber Ellis; Aaron Beck Cognitive therapy Focuses on teaching people new, more adaptive ways of thinking Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) uses how many steps in their program 12 Behavioral conditioning therapies have achieved especially favorable results in the treatment of Phobias Rapidly moving one’s eyes while recalling traumatic experiences is modt descriptive of EMDR Which therapeutic approach relies most heavily on patients’ discovering their own ways of effectively dealing with their difficulties Client-centered therapy In addition to their use in treating depression, antidepressant drugs are now being used to treat Obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder While focusing on several intrusive thoughts that had been bothering her recently, Jenny was introduced by her therapists to report any ideas or memories stimulated by these thoughts. Jenny’s therapist was making use of a technique known as Free association Systematic desensitization is based on the idea that — in fear-provoking situations can gradually eliminate anxiety Relaxation The treatment of psychological disorders with prescription drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain, or brain surgery is called Biomedical therapy A psychoanalyst who notes the supposed meaning of a patient’s dream in order to provide the patient with new insight is engaging in Interpretation Therapists’ perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are more likely to be overly positive because Clients justify leaving therapy by emphasizing their psychological well-being By earning a clients trust, empathic and caring therapists promote A therapeutic alliance Ketamine is neing explored as a quick-acting — drug that blocks receptor sites from the neurotransmitter glutamate Antidepressant Psychoanalysis is most likely to view patient transference as A potential aid to the patient in developing insight Research has shown that clients level of satisfaction with psychotherapy Is unrelated to the level of training and experience of their therapists Classical psychoanalysis most clearly involves Interpreting the meaning of patient’s resistance to therapeutic procedures Psychologist with a Ph.D or Psy.D who specialize in the practice of psychotherapy are typically Clinical psychologists Cognitive therapies would likely like to encourage depressed clients to Stop blaming themselves for negative circumstances beyound their control Many physicians did not relize that bleeding was ineffective treatment for typhoid fever until researchers made effective use of A control group One possible explanation for the delayed effect of antidepressant drugs is that the increased availability of serotonin seems to promote Neurogenesis Reuben’s psychotherapist is nonjudgmental and supportive of him even when Reuben revels some of his questionable motives and less-than admirable personality Unconditioned positive regard Systematic desensitization A treatment for phobias in which the patient is exposed to progressively more anxiety-provoking stimuli and taught relaxation techniques Some antidepressants block the reuptake or breakdown of both serotonin and other neurotransmitters, norepinephrine. These antidepressants are called Dual-action drugs The most convincing evidence for the effectiveness of psychotherapy comes from Studies of client satisfaction with treatment received Tardive dyskinesia is associated with long-term use of certain — drugs Antipsychotic Which of the following therapy techniques has been used to help people overcome a fear of flying Virtual reality exposure therapy In one experiment, Asian-American clients were more likely to perceive counselor empathy if their counselor Shared the clients cultural values Two counterconditioning techniques for replacing unwanted responses are Aversive conditioning and exposure therapy Sluggishness, tremors, and twiches similar to those of Parkinson’s disease are most likely to be associated with excessive use of certain — drugs Antipsychotic Clinical decision making that intergrates the best available research with clinical expertise and an understanding of patient characteristics best illustrates Evedience-based practice Which form of therapy has been found to be especially effective in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder Cognitive-behavioral therapy A token economy represents an application of the principal of Operant conditioning

Do you feel chronic anxiety and helplessness? Throughout your life, you may have been traumatized in some ways that you do not remember. Those events, though forgotten, live in your body as unresolved threats generating symptoms of anxiety, depression, physical pain, and causing behavioral problems. I will provide you with evidence-based tools and techniques that you can use at any time for immediate relief from anxiety and depression. My work centers on the Transpersonal Psychology perspective. I focus on your whole being including core beliefs you may not even be aware of, but which drive your behavior moment to moment. You are not merely the sum of your problems, but the holder of infinite personal strengths that are your biological heritage. My whole-person approach draws upon your hidden powers and uses your own feelings and intuitions to guide our collaborative work. Let us begin!

I work with a wide range of issues: people strugggling with anger and stress; adults and adolescents suffering with anxiety, phobias or


; divorcing families,step-parents, blended families; adoptees, grief; addictions; problems from abuse and neglect.

People come into therapy because they want something to change in their lives–how they feel, how they relate to others, how they handle stress. I enjoy working with people who want to commit themselves to working in therapy; who have the courage to face the important issues; who want to work collaboratively with me to find the solutions to feeling better. I consider myself a guide and coach in this process as we get to know each other. It gives me great joy to watch my clients grow and change and start to enjoy life again.

The issues brought up vary from communication problems to


and beyond.

I strongly believe in the power of human connection and in being present for my clients. In a non-judgemental supportive environment, I can help my clients find their own strength and ability to identify the best way for a more fulfilling life and/or resolve challenging life situations. I believe it is the trusting therapeutic rapport along with my active participation that makes my clients feel safe to evaluate their own quality of life and move forward to a more positive fulfilling place in their lives. My clients include adolescents, families, couples and adult individuals.

Life can be very challenging at times and our usual way of managing doesn’t work as effectively as it used to. Our coping skills aren’t helping us to feel a sense of control and well-being and we end up feeling overwhelmed, stuck, anxious, we can’t sleep well, we under eat or overeat, experience mood changes and possible difficulties managing work, relationships and home life. I am committed to helping you understand what you are going through, developing strategies to make changes, assisting you with stress reduction so that you feel more comfortable within yourself and your life.

I have 32 years in the counseling field working with women, men, adolescents and children individually and in groups. I employ a supportive, nonjudgmental approach with my clients. Together we create a safe respectful atmosphere where I enjoy helping you to both recognize your strengths and confront your obstacles.

I have extensive training in stress management and cognitive behavioral therapy and incorporate that in short and long term work with you. I am a certified biofeedback therapist and offer biofeedback and mindfulness techniques. I have experience working with a wide range of issues, including depression, anxiety, stress related disorders, Type A personalities and relationships.