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Sexual trauma therapist san diego

Andrea Vaz Antunes

Therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

We are all in a state of change. We are either approaching a change, in the midst of change or looking back at a change. These transitions are unavoidable and they can be both liberating and/or paralyzing. Our work together will initially focus on relieving the distressing feelings you are experiencing within your body and mind. We will then begin to identify your own style of change. We will practice it together and you will begin to meet these changes with grace and less stress.

San Diego, CA 92103
1.6 Miles away

Provides Sexual Abuse or Assault Therapy

I specialize in working with adolescents and adults who have experienced significant trauma in their lives, particularly child

sexual abuse

, child maltreatment, and intimate partner violence.

I believe that we all experience our own unique traumas in life, and it’s how we respond to them that shapes our view of the world and ourselves. I’m here to help you see things from a different lens, or perhaps just help you develop new ways of responding to your own individual experiences. Healing your traumas allows you to regain your sense of power and strengthen your sense of self. I take a holistic approach to healing and wellness and believe that each client requires a unique, person-centered approach.

Black and white photo of two hands in front of face. Representing sexual abuse counselling.Black and white photo of two hands in front of face. Representing sexual abuse counselling. 1 in 4 Americans will have experienced sexual abuse in their life, yet an even fewer number will ever reveal this to someone. This is unfortunate because a large part of healing from this type of trauma is getting support and working to identify how this experience has impacted your story, your journey and your current life circumstances. Sexual abuse counselling can help.

1 in 4 Americans will have experienced sexual abuse in their life, yet an even fewer number will ever reveal this to someone. This is unfortunate because a large part of healing from this type of trauma is getting support and working to identify how this experience has impacted your story, your journey and your current life circumstances. Sexual abuse counselling can help.

Sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape are all considered to be traumatic experiences and many times people who have survived such incidents go on to meet criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It’s best to seek sexual abuse counselling and meet with a therapist so that they can more fully evaluate the extent of your symptoms and assess whether you meet criteria for PTSD or not.

Sexual Abuse Counselling at Freedom Within Center

We realize it can be very difficult to open up to someone new about such a sensitive event in your life, but we promise to be non-judgmental and welcoming in our approach with you. During sexual abuse counselling, it’s not uncommon for survivors of sexual abuse to take longer to feel comfortable with their therapist or to open up about their experience, and that is okay! We want to come alongside you at your own pace while gently nudging you to your goals.

Our therapists are trained in various trauma modalities that are proven to effectively decrease symptoms related to sexual trauma. The sexual abuse therapy methods include but are not limited to:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)
  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Community Resiliency Model (CRM)

Freedom Within Center provides a safe place to seek therapy for sexual abuse victims. To discover what a difference sexual abuse counselling can make for you, request an appointment today.

Latisha has experience with the following populations and areas: Immigration, LGBTQ, Veterans, Child Welfare System/ Foster Care, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Probation, Early Psychosis, Substance Abuse, HIV+/ AIDS, Grief,




, Abuse, Neglect, Loss, Employment-related), and Homelessness.

After many years working in the public sector, Latisha identified the need to promote and encourage strength-based dialogue surrounding mental health care at the state, county, community and individual levels. Latisha believes that with guidance and a strong support system, individuals can accomplish their goals. She created Blueprint Counseling Solutions with the belief that people aren’t aware of their true potential until they learn to navigate through resources and use their inner strength to tap into hidden talents.

Heal childhood sexual abuse and trauma with psychotherapy and hypnotherapy with Dr. Wendy Hill.

Childhood trauma therapy that works.

Do you have a feeling that something might have happened in your childhood that feels too scary or difficult to look at? Maybe something having to do with inappropriate sex or some kind of abuse or neglect? If you have this kind of feeling then chances are that something inappropriate did happen. It may have just gotten buried.

Whether remembered or not childhood sexual abuse can be devastating.

Those experiences we had in childhood are the foundation of how we view ourselves and our world. Positive experiences help create positive and healthy core beliefs about ourselves and pave the way to healthy loving relationships and experiences as an adult. Negative and upsetting experiences help create self-defeating core beliefs about ourselves. One of the most damaging experience one can have in childhood is molestation…in any form.

So devastation in fact that sometimes in order to emotionally survive we actually forget or repress the experience.

Sometimes we have a certain feeling about someone or about our childhood. That certain uncomfortable feeling may be your clue to something having happened in the past that had to do with some inappropriate sexual experience or experiences. All too often the perpetrator is someone the child knows and trusts…a family member, a babysitter, someone a parent brings into the home. Sometimes sexual abuse is graphically horrific and sometimes sexual abuse is innuendo, a lustful look, a verbal reference to sex, or an inappropriate pat or touch. No matter. If the behavior is brief and seemingly innocuous or repeated and traumatic it is still sexual abuse and needs to be addressed in therapy.

Recovering memory is the first step.

Sometimes one might have outright memory of sexual inappropriate experience. Having conscious memory of sexual abuse is a start but the incident or incidents need to be talked about, the feelings must be faced and dealt with, and the child you were needs to be rescued and psychologically brought to safety.

The trauma of sexual abuse must be dealt with sensitively and with compassion and patience. What happened is not your fault. You did not bring it upon yourself and you are worthy of love for yourself alone. If you think you might have been the victim of sexual abuse there is hope. You can heal the trauma and move on to a life of more confidence and peace of mind.

If you would like to know more about how to help yourself I invite you to a live zoom session or an in-person session in my office. You can download one of my self-guided workshops like The True Seeker’s Guide To A Better Life or The Call To Adventure or listen to my Life Lessons audios. Meanwhile I am here.

sexual abuse is traumatic

My very best to you, Wendy Hill, Ph.D.

Lear more about inner child healing.

Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse of children has been called the ‘perfect crime’ because the victim is a defenseless child who can be manipulated and threatened. The child feels shamed on a deep level and that shame follows the child throughout his or her life. The abuse need not be comparatively severe. Even a suggestion or an innuendo can damage a child.

Some sexual abuse is simply visual exposure. Sometimes the event or events can be so traumatic that the child literally forgets the abuse. However, the emotional, spiritual, and social damage follows the child and causes chronic feelings of shame, guilt, worthlessness, and other unnamed fears. This is the bad news: childhood sexual abuse is severely damaging. This is the good news: childhood sexual abuse can be healed. With the use of hypnotherapy, counseling, regression, emotional release, and positive suggestion, childhood sexual abuse’s affects can be significantly healed.

Molestation: The Family Secret

The perpetrator of childhood sexual abuse is often a family member or close friend of the family. A father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandparent, family friend, neighbor can be a perpetrator. Often the parent knows about or suspects the abuse but refuses to acknowledge it out of fear. The molestation becomes a family secret. All too often the child who already is experiencing  profound shame is further damaged by the silence of a family member.

Childhood Sexual Abuse Causes Adult Problems

Relationship problems, self-esteem problems, anxiety, depression, overweight, addiction, and self-defeating behaviors are all the legacy of childhood sexual abuse. Even though the abuse may be forgotten or diminished, the affects continue to ravage one’s ability to enjoy life. One may seek counseling without realizing that the origin of their problems is childhood sexual abuse.

Heal Sexual Abuse with Hypnotherapy Combined with Psychotherapy

If you have endured any level of sexual abuse, if you suspect you may have been abused, if you have feelings of shame, or if you feel you have secrets you must keep, you owe it to yourself to explore and heal whatever happened to you in the past. The first step is to admit to yourself that there is something that has been hurting you over which you feel powerless to change.

The next step is to talk to someone about it. That someone may be a professional who specializes in this kind of healing. Professional advanced hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in healing childhood sexual abuse. With the use of regression one can safely and gently recover memory. By recovering memory of not only the event(s) but of the emotions and patterns of thought and behavior the abuse caused you, can release the power the abuse has had upon you.

It is Safe to Remember Sexual Abuse

Remembering past upsetting events is safe when you are guided by someone who is knowledgeable, compassionate, and patient. Childhood sexual abuse causes a deep shame that must be healed. This shame makes it difficult to face. The shame helps keep the secrets of past abuse. This is why it is imperative to work with someone who can help you gently approach the memories and emotions in a way and at a rate that is healthy and comfortable for you. Hypnotherapy and counseling presented in such a way is very helpful in recovering memories, expressing emotions, and resolving pain. You can emerge from the abuse feeling resolved with a greater sense of well-being and peace of mind.

sexual abuse can traumatize your life

Wendy Hill, PhD

Wendy has been in practice in compassionate psychotherapy and hypnotherapy for over 45 years. A high percentage of clients who seek Dr. Wendy’s help for anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship problems have been molested. Often those clients do not discover the hidden shame causing memories of molestation until they have been in therapy for a while. Once revealed to the conscious mind, you can be free of its shaming affects.

To learn more about sexual abuse and it’s resolution contact Dr. Wendy at 760-994-9296.