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The Benefits of Studying Psychology at Bastyr University

The Benefits of Studying Psychology at Bastyr University

Are you interested in pursuing a career in psychology? Look no further than Bastyr University!

Located in Kenmore, Washington, Bastyr University offers a unique and comprehensive program in psychology, integrating the study of both Western and Eastern approaches to mental health. With a focus on holistic and naturopathic healing, Bastyr’s psychology program provides a one-of-a-kind education that prepares students for success in a variety of careers in the field.

The Psychology Program at Bastyr University

Bastyr’s psychology program offers a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, as well as a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology. Both programs are designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the theory and practice of psychology, while also emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to mental health.

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology program includes courses in general psychology, as well as electives in areas such as social psychology, abnormal psychology, and neuroscience. Students are also required to complete a senior research project, which allows them to explore a topic of interest in greater depth and develop valuable research skills.

The Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program prepares students for careers in counseling and therapy, with a particular focus on the holistic and integrative approach to mental health that is a hallmark of Bastyr’s program. Coursework includes topics such as psychotherapeutic techniques, counseling theories, and group therapy, as well as supervised clinical practicum experiences.

The Benefits of Studying Psychology at Bastyr University

One of the key benefits of studying psychology at Bastyr University is the unique, integrative approach to mental health that is emphasized in both the Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts programs. By studying both Western and Eastern approaches to mental health, students gain a well-rounded understanding of the field and are prepared to work in a variety of settings, from traditional mental health clinics to alternative medicine practices.

Another benefit of Bastyr’s psychology program is the strong focus on experiential learning and practical skills development. Students in both the Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts programs have numerous opportunities to engage in hands-on learning experiences, including research projects, clinical practica, and community-based service projects.

Additionally, Bastyr’s psychology program is unique in its emphasis on holistic and naturopathic healing approaches. Students learn about the importance of mind-body-spirit integration and are encouraged to think creatively about how to help clients improve their mental health and well-being. This approach is increasingly popular in the field of psychology and is highly sought after by employers.

Careers in Psychology

A degree in psychology opens up a variety of career paths, from counseling and therapy to research and academia. Graduates of Bastyr University’s psychology program are prepared to work in a variety of settings, from traditional mental health clinics and hospitals to non-profit organizations and private practices.

Some popular career paths for psychology graduates include:

  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor
  • Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Researcher
  • Academic
  • Social Worker
  • Substance Abuse Counselor


If you are interested in pursuing a career in psychology, consider Bastyr University’s unique and comprehensive program. With a strong focus on holistic and naturopathic healing approaches, hands-on learning experiences, and a well-rounded curriculum that integrates both Western and Eastern approaches to mental health, Bastyr’s psychology program prepares students for success in a variety of careers in the field.