The Essential 5 S’s Of Trauma: Understanding The Building Blocks Of Healing

Deborah C. Escalante

What are the 5 S’s of trauma?
What are the 5 S’s of trauma?

Understanding the 5 S’s of Trauma

Trauma is an issue that affects people around the world in a variety of ways. It is a mental health issue that can lead to a wide range of physical and mental health issues if it is not addressed. For this reason, it is important to understand the five S’s of trauma and how to identify and address it in yourself or others.


The first S of trauma is safety. In order to cope with trauma, a person must feel safe in their environment. This means that the person must feel that their physical and emotional needs will be met in the present moment. This includes feeling safe from physical harm, emotional harm, and financial harm. It also includes feeling safe to express oneself and to have their needs met without judgement or criticism.

Specific Behaviors

The second S of trauma is specific behaviors. Trauma can manifest itself in different ways and can be triggered by different stimuli. It is important to be aware of behaviors that indicate that someone is struggling with trauma, such as avoidance of certain topics, difficulty in expressing emotions, difficulty in forming attachments, and difficulty in trusting others.


The third S of trauma is setting. Trauma can be triggered by certain environmental stimuli such as smells, sights, or sounds. It is important to be aware of the environment that a person is in and to make sure that it is a safe and supportive setting for them. This could mean creating a space with comforting smells, sounds, and sights, as well as making sure that the space is free from potential triggers.

Scary Things

The fourth S of trauma is scary things. Trauma can be triggered by certain things that are perceived as frightening or threatening. It is important to be aware of these triggers and to avoid them if possible. This could mean avoiding certain topics of conversation, avoiding certain people or places, or avoiding certain activities.


The fifth S of trauma is screening/services. It is important to be aware of available services and to seek out professional help if necessary. There are a variety of different services available, such as individual counseling, group therapy, support groups, and medications. It is important to find a service that is the best fit for the individual and to make sure that they are receiving the help and support that they need.


The five S’s of trauma are an important aspect of understanding and addressing the issue. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of trauma, to create a safe and supportive environment, to be aware of potential triggers, and to seek professional help if necessary. By understanding the five S’s of trauma, we can begin to address the issue and create a healthier and more supportive environment for ourselves and those around us.

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