The Lasting Impact: How Parents Can Cause Trauma And What You Can Do About It

Deborah C. Escalante

Can parents cause you trauma?
Can parents cause you trauma?

Can Parents Cause Trauma?

It is a well-known fact that parents have a lasting impact on the lives of their children. But what about the possibility that this impact can be so profound that it can cause trauma? While it is true that the environment in which a child is raised can have a direct impact on their psychological well-being, it is also true that some parents may be unknowingly causing their children trauma. The truth is, parents who are emotionally detached or anxious may have been traumatized themselves, and this trauma can be passed on to their children.

The Impact of Emotional Detachment

One of the most common ways in which parents can cause trauma is through emotional detachment. This occurs when a parent is unable or unwilling to show emotion towards their child. This lack of emotion can be very damaging to a child, as it can make them feel unwanted or unimportant. Additionally, this emotional detachment can lead to the child feeling isolated, as they may not be able to turn to their parent for support when they need it.

The Impact of Anxiety

Another way in which parents can cause trauma is through their own anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion, but when it is passed on to a child, it can have a very damaging effect. A child who is exposed to an anxious parent may become overwhelmed and anxious themselves. They may also develop a fear of failure, as their parent may be constantly worrying and stressing about their actions. Additionally, this anxiety can lead to the child feeling constantly on edge, as they may be worrying about what their parent will think or do.

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Consequences of Parental Trauma

The consequences of parental trauma can have a lasting effect on a child. It can lead to the child feeling anxious and stressed, as they are constantly worrying about what their parent will think or do. Additionally, this trauma can lead to the child feeling disconnected from their parent, as they may not be able to trust them or rely on them for support. Finally, this trauma can also lead to the child feeling helpless and powerless, as they may not be able to do anything to make their parent feel better or make them happy.

Coping With Parental Trauma

While it is true that parental trauma can have a lasting effect on a child, it is also true that there are ways to cope with this trauma. One of the best ways to cope is to talk to someone about it. Talking to a trusted adult or a therapist can help a child to process their feelings and learn how to cope with the trauma they have experienced. Additionally, it can be helpful to practice self-care, such as taking time for yourself and engaging in activities that make you feel relaxed and happy. Finally, it is important to remember that you are not alone, and that there are people who can help and support you.


In conclusion, it is clear that parental trauma can have a lasting effect on a child. Emotional detachment and anxiety can both cause trauma, which can lead to a child feeling anxious, disconnected, and helpless. While there is no way to undo the trauma that has been done, it is possible to cope with it. By talking to a trusted adult or therapist, practicing self-care, and remembering that you are not alone, it is possible to learn how to cope with the trauma and move forward.

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