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Uncovering The Hidden Wounds: Recognizing The Signs Of Unhealed Childhood Trauma

What are signs of unhealed childhood trauma?

Signs of Unhealed Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can have lasting consequences that can be difficult to recognize and hard to heal. It has been estimated that 25-50% of children in the US have experienced some sort of traumatic event in their lifetime. Trauma can be caused by physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or witnessing a traumatic event. The signs of unhealed childhood trauma can include:

Reliving the Event

One of the most common signs of unhealed childhood trauma is reliving the event through flashbacks or nightmares. In some cases, these flashbacks can be so intense that the person struggling with trauma may feel like they’re actually going through it again. This can lead to feelings of fear, panic, and helplessness.


Those who have experienced childhood trauma may also develop avoidance behaviors. This can manifest in avoiding certain places, people, activities, and even thoughts related to the trauma. Avoidance is a way of protecting oneself from feeling the same pain or fear associated with the trauma.


Anxiety is a common symptom of unhealed childhood trauma. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as feeling constantly on edge, experiencing intense worry, or having difficulty concentrating. It is important to note that these symptoms may not always be directly related to the trauma, but can still be a sign that the trauma is unresolved.


Depression is another common symptom of unhealed childhood trauma. A person may experience feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. They may also have difficulty finding joy in activities they used to find pleasure in.


In some cases, unresolved childhood trauma can lead to feelings of anger. A person may experience sudden outbursts of anger or have difficulty controlling their temper. They may also struggle with feelings of guilt or shame, as they may not understand why they are feeling so angry in the first place.

Problems with Trust

Those with unhealed childhood trauma may also struggle with trust issues. They may find it difficult to trust others, even those who are close to them. They may also struggle with feeling safe and secure in their relationships.

Self-Destructive or Risky Behaviors

Self-destructive or risky behaviors can be a sign of unhealed childhood trauma. A person may engage in dangerous activities or substance abuse in an attempt to numb their pain or feel a sense of control.


Withdrawal is another common symptom of unhealed childhood trauma. A person may isolate themselves from others, avoid social situations, or simply not want to interact with others. They may also have difficulty forming or maintaining relationships.

Recognizing the signs of unhealed childhood trauma is an important step in seeking help. If you or someone you love is struggling with unhealed childhood trauma, it is important to reach out for support. There are many resources available to help individuals heal from the effects of childhood trauma, including therapy, support groups, and lifestyle changes. With the right support, it is possible to overcome the lasting effects of childhood trauma and live a life of joy and fulfillment.