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Understanding 35 K Street Mental Health

Are you looking for a comprehensive guide on the 35 K Street Mental Health center? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will explore the services, programs and benefits provided by this mental health center located at 35 K Street.

Introduction to 35 K Street Mental Health

35 K Street is a mental health center that offers comprehensive and personalized mental health services to people seeking help. They provide a broad range of services to address mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse.

Their services include counseling, therapy, psychiatric assessments, medication management, case management, group therapy, and more. They also provide educational resources and support groups to help individuals gain the knowledge and skills they need to maintain their mental health.

Services Offered at 35 K Street Mental Health

As mentioned earlier, 35 K Street Mental Health offers a broad range of services to meet the mental health needs of their patients. Here are some of their most popular services:

  1. Counseling – This service is designed to help individuals cope with daily stressors and life challenges. Counselors offer guidance and support to help clients develop coping skills and strategies.

  2. Therapy – Therapists help individuals with mental health issues work through their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This service is available in individual, couples or group therapy sessions.

  3. Medication Management – Psychiatrists provide medication evaluation, prescription management, and monitoring of medication side effects.

  4. Case Management – Case managers assist individuals in navigating the healthcare system, connecting them to resources, and providing support throughout their journey.

  5. Group Therapy – This form of therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their feelings, gain support and gain insight from others who have similar experiences.

Benefits of 35 K Street Mental Health

One of the most significant benefits of 35 K Street Mental Health is the comprehensive approach they take to mental health. With the range of services they offer, individuals can get the help they need under one roof.

Another benefit is the supportive and compassionate team of mental health professionals who take the time to understand and personalize each individual’s treatment plan. The team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, case managers, social workers, and more.

How to Get Started at 35 K Street Mental Health

Getting started at 35 K Street Mental Health is easy. New patients can contact the center to schedule an initial appointment. During the first appointment, a mental health professional will conduct an evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment options based on the patient’s needs.


In conclusion, 35 K Street Mental Health is a comprehensive mental health center that offers a range of services to meet the mental health needs of its clients. Their team of mental health professionals is compassionate, supportive, and dedicated to helping individuals improve their mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, consider contacting 35 K Street Mental Health to explore your options for treatment.