Unpacking The Questions: How To Know If Your Trauma Is Real

Deborah C. Escalante

How do you know if trauma is real?
How do you know if trauma is real?

Trauma: Signs, Symptoms, and How to Recognize It

Trauma is an emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event. It can manifest itself in a variety of ways, both psychologically and physically. It is important to recognize the signs of trauma in order to get help and begin the healing process.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is the emotional response to a deeply distressing or life-threatening event. This could include physical or emotional abuse, a natural disaster, a car accident, or any other event that is deeply distressing and overwhelms the person’s ability to cope. The person may feel powerless, out of control, and vulnerable. The effects of trauma can be long-lasting and have a profound impact on a person’s life.

Signs and Symptoms of Trauma

There are many signs and symptoms of trauma that can help you recognize it in yourself or in others. Some of the signs and symptoms of trauma include:

Strong Unexplained Reactions to Specific People

Someone who has experienced trauma may have strong reactions to certain people or situations. They may feel anxious, scared, or angry when reminded of the traumatic event. They may also feel intense emotions when they encounter someone who reminds them of the person who caused the trauma.

Lack of Ease in Certain Places

Someone who has experienced trauma may also feel uneasy or uncomfortable in certain places or environments. This could include a place where the traumatic event occurred, or a place that reminds them of the trauma.

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Extreme Emotional Shifts

People who have experienced trauma may experience extreme emotional shifts. They may feel numb or disconnected, or they may experience sudden, intense emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, or guilt.

Attachment Issues

Someone who has experienced trauma may have difficulty forming or maintaining relationships. They may have difficulty trusting people and forming close relationships. They may also have difficulty expressing their emotions or connecting with people on a deeper level.


People who have experienced trauma may also experience anxiety. They may feel constantly on edge, have difficulty sleeping, or experience physical symptoms such as nausea or sweating.

Childish Reactions

Someone who has experienced trauma may also have difficulty regulating their emotions and may act out in inappropriate ways. They may become overly defiant, act out in anger, or throw tantrums.

Consistent Exhaustion

People who have experienced trauma may also experience exhaustion. This can manifest itself in the form of physical fatigue, mental fatigue, or emotional exhaustion. They may feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everyday tasks.

Unable to Cope in Normal Stressful Situations

Someone who has experienced trauma may have difficulty coping with everyday stressors. They may feel overwhelmed or anxious in situations that would normally be manageable for most people.

Getting Help for Trauma

If you recognize these signs and symptoms in yourself or someone you care about, it is important to seek help. Trauma is a serious issue and it can have long-lasting consequences if not addressed. There are a variety of treatments available, including therapy, medication, and support groups. It is important to find the right treatment for you or your loved one in order to begin the healing process.

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Trauma can be a difficult and overwhelming experience, but it is possible to heal and move forward. It is important to recognize the signs of trauma in order to get the help and support you need. With the right help, you can begin the healing process and move forward in life.

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