Yoga for stress management yoga with adriene

Deborah C. Escalante

Emotional, mental, and physical stress can lead to the collection of tension in the mind and body. Yoga for Tension Relief is a cooling and calming practice created specifically to help relieve this accumulation of tension. Take 28 minutes for this at home yoga practice designed to help you feel good and bring you back into a balanced state.

Become present with what’s happening this very moment. A gentle reminder to call upon the breath, body awareness, and to find stillness. This practice can be used as preventative care or to address current tension and stress.

Please join me and invite a sense of calm and, as always, Find What Feels Good.

Optional Props: blanket or towel


For more videos like this one, try the following YWA practices:

Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Relief

Let It Go Yoga Flow

Stress Melt – 26 Minute Yoga Break

Movement Medicine – Calming Practice

This is the perfect practice to ground with when you are struggling, or feeling off-center. You may also enjoy this class as preventative care to maintain mental, emotional, and physical balance. Utilizing the tools of yoga through regular practice can serve well beyond a good stretch, particularly in times of uncertainty.

This full-length grounding session provides us with the tools to better acknowledge our feelings, regulate the nervous system, reconnect to our core, and learn when to let go.  

By taking the time to show up for yourself you are most certainly influencing the way you show up for others. Thank you for joining me! 

Let me know how this practice goes for you in the comments below!

For more videos like this, check out:

More often than not, my Sunday anxiety — or “Sunday scaries” — feels like a nagging, worsening-with-each-passing-hour pit in my stomach. Sure, it depends on the impending responsibilities I have the Monday that follows, but I typically need a coping mechanism. This usually involves getting sucked into the highly riveting — and always entertaining — love triangles on The Vampire Diaries, sweating out my worries with a good weightlifting or cardio session, and melting those worries away thanks to an at-home yoga video. My all-time favorite YouTube channel for the latter is Adriene Mishler’s Yoga With Adriene, and she recently came out with a new 20-minute flow perfect for what I’m talking about: “Yoga to Heal Stress.”

You’ll start in Extended Child’s Pose and work through Cat Cow. Then, you’ll do single-legged pulses on all fours similar to Donkey Kicks that target the glutes, practice floor hip and leg stretches, and later use pillows for comfortable poses to promote relief. When the time came to settle down into the poses with my pillows, I was ready to surrender to the moment and relax. Following Adriene’s lead, I rested two pillows on my knees, bent them generously, and proceeded into Seated Forward Fold with my torso and head supported by the pillows.

Adriene often calls positions like these “love caves,” and, with the addition of the pillows, it definitely felt like a love cave of comfort and self-care. The final pose had me lying on one side with a pillow in between my knees and another under my head. This took tension off of my spine and really transported me into a calm state (I almost fell asleep and eased out of this end pose with a smile on my face).

I appreciated the 20-minute flow because it wasn’t super time-consuming, but I didn’t feel rushed either. Go ahead — test out the full yoga flow above! Though Adriene notes that you can’t completely escape your thoughts, the key is to acknowledge them, then focus back on your breathing and how your body feels. It really did relax me; here’s hoping it’ll relax you, too. Plus, check out more yoga videos for stress here.

In this session, we will ease in, practice breath technique, and MOVE. 

Be prepared to let go of what no longer is serving you, feel the power of your own presence, and boost your connection with feelings of balance, ease, creativity, and contentment.

This complete session is designed to help you use the tools of yoga to become aware of where you are so you can mindfully guide yourself forward. Increase flexibility, build strength, improve posture with this breath led yoga practice.

Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section, I love to hear from you!

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