How does stress ball reduce stress

Deborah C. Escalante

stress balls

Stress balls were originally intended to be used for remedying stress and tension but with their increasing popularity as a stress relief tool, it seems that squeezing it may have other health benefits. Studies show that when you squeeze a stress ball, your nerves and muscles stimulate and contract which makes them stronger. The strength improves the overall nervous system, which reduces essential hormones and can control your stress levels.

Some of the benefits: 

  • Relieve arthritis pains
  • Enhance emotional stability 
  • Reduce anxiety and stress
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve concentration and creativity
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Increased positive energy 
  • Improve sleep

stress balls

Stress Balls May Improve Blood Circulation 

Many doctors recommend using stress balls for improving blood circulation. Studies show that squeezing a ball can raise your heart rate and increase the oxygen levels in your brain. As a result, your heart will pump harder and thus provide better blood circulation. The better your circulation, the lower the risk for stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure. Stress balls also help prevent the development of hypertension and possible heart disease. 

stress balls

More Benefits 

Stress balls are small enough to fit in your pocket, and they are also fairly inexpensive. If you use your stress ball on a regular basis, you may even begin to notice a decrease in your tension. When you have an anxiety attack, your brain starts to get hyperventilating. This causes your body to release adrenaline, which causes your heart rate to increase. By using and squeezing a stress ball, you can relax your mind and take a moment to think about happy thoughts.

stress balls

Ways to Use Stress Balls

By simply squeezing stress balls regularly you can tone your muscles. Regular exercise will help to strengthen the muscles of your hands and wrists. Many individuals keep one of these balls at their work. Regardless of your profession, if you feel tired, bored or irritated you can use one of these balls to keep your hands occupied and your mind at rest.

  1. One of the main ways to use a stress ball is to place it on a surface and roll the ball by curling your fingers towards your palm, hold for a few seconds and release your fingers.
  2. Another popular way is to place a ball between your hands while keeping your arms in a vertical position. Then press for 5 seconds and relax.
  3. The full grip method is our favourite. If you feel extra stressed out, hold and squeeze a ball as hard as you can for up to 5 seconds, then relax. 
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reduce stress

Final Thoughts

While stress balls can help with anxiety, stress, blood circulations and more, it is important to remember the results are temporary. In order to find the right balance and improve your overall health, there are many other things that you have to consider. Owning and using a stress ball can not prevent illnesses, diseases or depression, but it can improve those conditions. It is one of the most powerful mindfulness products that can help individuals deal with their condition.

Stress can take a physical toll on your body.

You’ve probably seen one of those little round stress balls. You might have received it for free with a company’s brand splashed on the side or picked one up during a rough week at work. Stress balls are popular, but do they actually help reduce tension? 

The general consensus is that these toys actually do help in stressful moments. In fact, there are numerous reasons that one of these little balls should be a necessary accessory on your desk. 

Stress and the body
As a human being, you’ve likely experienced stress at one point or another. From work to school to relationships, there’s no shortage of challenges that can cause conflict in daily life. But just because it’s normal doesn’t mean that this anxiety is harmless. Stress takes a toll not only on your emotional and mental health, but also on your physical well-being. 

According to Mayo Clinic, stress can physically cause problems such as headaches, an upset stomach, muscle tension, sleep problems and fatigue. If left unchecked, it can also contribute to more serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. 

So how can you avoid these negative health complications that come from periods of high anxiety? Turns out, a stress ball can help, according to Dr. David Posen, a stress expert and the author of “Is Work Killing You?: A Doctor’s Prescription for Treating Workplace Stress.” 

“You’ve got all this stress energy – your body is in a state of high alert, but there’s nowhere for it to go,” Posen told The Huffington Post. “When you’re stressed, your body tightens up – so a physical release helps to let go of some of that energy… The benefit of squeezing is that it releases some kind of energy – it also induces you to relax.”  

Though squeezing a stress ball is not a long term solution for stress, it can help your body to release tension in the moment. The motion acts as a reminder to relax the muscles that are clenched when you’re anxious, which can help avoid complications like headaches or pain that accompany long periods of tensing. 

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Stress from a variety of sources can take a toll on your mental, physical and emotional well-being.Stress from a variety of sources can take a toll on your mental, physical and emotional well-being.

The other benefits of stress balls
While the aptly-named stress ball can help release anxiety, that’s not the only benefit offered by these simple toys.  For example, playing with a stress ball can help to manage and heal scar tissue in your hands. It can also strengthen your hands if you’re rehabilitating from a recent surgery.  

Stress balls additionally offer the potential to increase concentration. According to a study of a group of sixth-graders by published in the Journal of At-Risk Issues, the students who used a stress ball in class were less distracted.  

While you can find stress balls in most any size, shape or color, why settle for any less than a product that’s specifically designed with your comfort in mind?The IMAK® ERGO Stress Ball’s ergoBeads provide a gentle massage while your fingers are strengthened and stretched, providing stress relief and other benefits in the process. 

Do you feel stressed out during the day? If so, you’re not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, stress is one of the leading health concerns in the United States. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat stress, including stress balls. Stress balls are small, squeezable balls that can help relieve stress. This blog post will discuss the eight benefits of using stress balls to help relieve stress!

1 Stress Balls Provide Tactile Stimulation

Stress balls are a great way to relieve stress because they provide tactile stimulation. When you’re stressed out, your body is in “fight or flight” mode. This means that your body is preparing to either fight or run away from the source of stress. So one way to calm down your body is by providing it with tactile stimulation. Stress balls do a great job of this because they can be squeezed, which provides tactile stimulation.

2 Stress Balls Provide Visual Stimulation

Another benefit of using stress balls is that they provide visual stimulation. The stress ball’s sight helps calm the mind and relax the body. For example, if you’re feeling stressed out at work or school, looking at a stress ball may help you feel better! This could be because it reminds you not to take things so seriously. You might even find yourself laughing when squeezing your favorite color or patterned one!

3 They are Great For ADHD

Stress balls can also be used for kids who have trouble focusing on their homework or classwork due to anxiety issues such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). These children typically do well when provided with sensory stimuli. According to a study published in the journal “Occupational Therapy In Mental Health,” stress balls can help these kids focus on their work and improve their attention span. This can be an alternative or supplement to therapy, drugs, or Nootropics.

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4 Can Help Improve Your Mood

In addition, research has shown that stress balls can help improve moods. For example, a study published in the journal “Psychology of Well-Being” found that people who used stress balls for five minutes reported feeling happier and more energetic than those who did not use them. This is likely because using a stress ball provides an outlet for negative energy, allowing you to feel better overall.

5 A Great Way to Relieve Tension Headaches

Stress balls are also great for relieving tension headaches. So if you’re someone who suffers from tension headaches often, using a stress ball may be a good option for you! A study published in the journal “Headache” found that participants who used stress balls for 30 seconds reported feeling less stressed than those who did not use them.

6 Helps Cope with Arthritis Pain

Stress balls are also great for people with arthritis pain, as they can help relieve stiffness and improve circulation to joints. A study published in the journal of Arthritis & Rheumatism showed how using a stress ball three times per day helped reduce inflammation and swelling from arthritis symptoms by 50%.

7 No Batteries Required

Stress balls do not require batteries or electricity because they do all their work on your hand! This means you do not have to worry about replacing batteries either, making these devices much more accessible than other forms of therapy like electrical stimulation (TENS) units; some doctors even recommend using them as part of their treatment plan.

8 May Help Pregnancy

Last but not least, research has shown that stress balls may be beneficial for pregnant women. For example, a study published in the journal “Maternal and Child Health Journal” showed how pregnant women who used stress balls during their third trimester had less back pain and were more likely to experience successful labor. So if you’re pregnant and looking for ways to relieve some of the aches and pains associated with pregnancy, using a stress ball may be a good option for you!

So there are plenty of reasons why you should start using Stress Balls today to help relieve your stress levels. If you’re not sure how to use them, there are plenty of resources online that can help guide you. And if you do have any questions or concerns, be sure to speak with your doctor about incorporating these devices into your treatment plan.

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