What is a de stress massage

Deborah C. Escalante

I have been going to Destress for years, I don’t know how it is that I hadn’t experienced Nina until now. The experience was of the caliber of professionalism and skill that I have always received at Destress. Personally life is a lot right now and it is showing up in tension and stress in my body, Nina’s skill and proficiency to the sensitive areas and problem areas was magical. I typically come at least twice a month and I will usually schedule after I leave and look at my schedules, I rescheduled before I left the building because it was THAT good. Appreciate you Nina, you deserve your flowers now.

Top 4 Massage Techniques to De-Stress

There are many reasons people might seek out massage therapy, but stress relief tends to be the most popular. In general, stress is anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being. Associated with both minor and major health ailments, relieving stress is an important component of maintaining emotional and physical well-being. Plenty of research has found that massage therapy is an ideal stress relief tool; but some massage techniques are better at achieving this goal than others.

Designed as a survival tool, stress activates the body’s fight-or-flight response. This occurs when the sympathetic nervous system responds to stress by producing large quantities of the chemicals cortisol, adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. These chemicals trigger a quicker heart rate, muscular tension, sweating and alertness to help protect us from danger – enabling people to react quickly to life-threatening situations.

Unfortunately, this fight-or-flight response can be triggered by non life-threatening events and it can become chronic. Over time, repeated activation of the stress response takes a toll on the body. Research suggests that prolonged stress contributes to:

  • high blood pressure
  • promotes the formation of artery-clogging deposits
  • causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression and addiction
  • obesity
  • insulin dependence

Going above and beyond nature’s call to shield ourselves from danger, an estimated 75 percent of Americans experience significant levels of stress. According to the annual stress survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association:

  • About 25 percent of Americans are experiencing high levels of stress (rating their stress level as 8 or more on a 10-point scale).
  • About 50 percent of Americans report moderate levels of stress (a score of 4 to 7 out of 10).

Accordingly, there is a great need for effective stress relief methods. Many studies have demonstrated that massage therapy is an effective stress relieving modality as evidenced by reductions in cortisol, adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. One example was recorded by Mayo Clinic researchers in a study published in a November 2012 edition of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Not surprisingly, weekly 15-minute chair massages for nurses during work hours significantly reduced stress-related symptoms.
With so many modalities utilized by massage therapists, those seeking help with their stress levels may have difficulty choosing from a menu of massage styles. To help determine what type of bodywork to pick, the top four massage modalities for stress relief are listed below:

  1. Swedish Massage – The most common type of massage, Swedish massage uses a variety of motions to decompress muscle tissue, release tension and break up muscular knots. The strokes used in Swedish massage are percussion, shaking, long strokes, vibration, kneading and friction, which enhances blood circulation, stretches tendons, lowers blood pressure and induces relaxation. However, the long, smooth, gliding strokes are typically regarded as the most relaxing component of a Swedish massage.
  2. Head Massage – Bodywork focusing on the cranium is a known stress reliever. There are thin muscles on the scalp that can hold a great deal of tension. Besides including massage of the scalp within a Swedish massage session, the traditional Ayuverdic head oil massage known as champi is an especially relaxing treatment.
  3. Aromatherapy Massage – By adding essential oils to massage oil or lotion, aromatherapy massage can be a powerful way to de-stress. The nostrils are attached to the limbic system, an area of the brain that controls emotions and influences the nervous system and hormones. As such, inhalation of the essential oil molecules can directly influence physiological and emotional components of stress. The oils most known for their relaxation effect include geranium, lavender and chamomile.
  4. Auricular Acupressure – Considered a microsystem for the entire body, the ear is compared to an inverted fetus; with the head on the lower ear lobe, the feet at the top of the ear, and the rest of the body in-between. Containing several hundred pressure points, massaging the ear in the area corresponding to the central nervous system encourages the release of endorphins – the body’s natural stress-relieving hormones.
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Chronic stress is rampant and can be reduced with massage therapy. Unless under an immediate threat, the fight-or-flight stress response is not wanted – and ends up creating more problems than it solves. With such a high percentage of Americans burdened by significant stress levels, massage therapists should be in high demand. By offering Swedish massage, head massage, aromatherapy massage and auricular acupressure, bodyworkers will be highly effective at melting their clients’ stress away.

Martha is a qualified professional massage therapist. She is extremely passionate about her job and has sent us this short message!


”Nothing gives me more satisfaction than seeing a happy customer, and always strive to improve all aspects of my work, if not by more gaining more qualifications and experience or studying new massage skills and techniques. By doing so I can expand my services and offer a massage that is unique to you”.


Every customer has different issues and pains. I try to help everyone to the best of my ability regardless of what the problem may be, if it is stress relief, improving mobility or just simply a nice relaxing massage. It is my greatest passion to offer you a special experience in a place where you can satisfy your needs”.


Martha offers: Swedish, Bamboo, Candle, Cupping, Deep tissue and Sports Therapeutic massage and is available for bookings. 



Online booking is only possible for the following day. If you need to book a massage for today, please call us 07310 646 749.



Stress is a typical piece of life. We have all experienced it at some point. However, it’s when stress begins influencing our life that it can become hindering to our wellbeing. An ideal approach to battle and lessen stress is by participating in exercises that permit us to feel more present and relaxed. Anti-stress massage therapy is a known method to battle stress and decreases its adverse consequences on the psyche and body.

It has been shown that even only ten minutes of massage can enact the body’s natural happiness hormones and making you feel calmer and less stressed. The mood-enhancing advantages of massage cause it simpler to feel more peaceful and in charge, decreasing anxiety and normally quieting the body’s fight-or-flight response.

Symptoms of Stress

While stress is essential to our survival, if your fight-or-flight response is constantly turned on, it can prompt an assortment of indications that might hinder your health.

Some of the most prevailing symptoms of stress are:

· Shortness of breath

· Heart shivers

· Insomnia

· Increased sweating

· Increased pulse

· Tightness in the chest

· Knotted stomach

· Headaches

· Depression and anxiety

These responses to stress prompting occasions or conditions unleash devastation on your nervous system. When under stress, your body needs to work harder with an end goal to convey solid oxygen and blood supply. In case you’re encountering ongoing stress, your body is likewise keeping up with a flood in glucose levels, increasing your danger of type 2 diabetes and stomach-related medical problems like heartburn and obstruction. If left unchecked, stress can bring down the body’s immune system making you more inclined to disease and even prompt reproductive problems in both genders.

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When can Massage Therapy be applied to Reduce Stress?

Massage can be utilized to treat stress in any situation. Stress can be identified with physical or emotional occasions throughout everyday life, for example, work-life, wellbeing, or sporting performances. An anti-stress massage can treat almost every kind of stress. It can reduce stress and enhance mood by stimulating feel-good hormones, invigorating the parasympathetic nervous system, and advancing relaxation.

Massage Techniques to Reduce Stress

Different procedures are utilized to eliminate stress. The procedures most regularly utilized include:

· Deep Strokes

Deep strokes are routinely used to decrease stress. It includes utilizing a firm pressure to get deep inside muscle tissues. A ton of muscle stress can regularly come from more deep tissues, just as shallow. Stress found further inside muscle tissues can cause expanded torment and limited movement. Deep strokes increment muscle temperature to expand tissue elasticity. Expanding tissue elasticity relaxes muscles and diminishes stress and strain. Decrease of stress inside muscles additionally diminishes agony and increases movement.

· Trigger Pointing

Trigger pointing is a viable procedure used to lessen stress. A trigger point is found in the focal point of a muscle fiber. Trigger points are a development of stress and pressure that creates muscular knots. Trigger points can cause alluded agony, migraines and can increment mental stress. Fingers and thumbs are utilized during trigger pointing to apply a firm pressing factor. As the pressing factor is applied, an ischemic response happens.

An ischemic response is where blood flow is limited to a space and afterward increments when pressure is released. Before the pressing factor is delivered, the pressure applied will begin to mellow, causing a numbing sensation. At the point when the numbing sensation has happened, more pressure can be applied, relying upon how profound or how large the trigger point is or the pressing factor can be delivered. Relaxing and desensitizing the trigger point lessens headache and pain and alleviates both mental and physical stress.

· Lymphatic Drainage

Stress can be decreased through lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage includes the incitement of the lymphatic system to eliminate metabolic wastes more effectively. The development of metabolic wastes can happen after a surgery, injury, or overutilization of a muscle. They also increase muscular exhaustion and can bring pain and swelling. Muscular fatigue, swelling, and weakness can confine movement and keep wounds from recovering.

Limiting movement and forestalling healing can give rise to mental stress. An individual can become irritated not having the option to utilize the part of the body appropriately or getting back to their activity or game. A massage enlivens the lymphatic system. An assortment of long, profound strokes is utilized to flush out the metabolic toxins from the body and supplant them with healthy nutrients and oxygen. Flushing metabolic wastes from the body through lymphatic drainage decreases pain, restriction, and swelling. And as a result, a decrease in all these things reduces mental stress.

Key Benefits of Anti-Stress Massage

1. Massage Decreases Stress by Lowering Heart Rate

Massage therapy with lessening stress by bringing down the pulse. It builds temperature in the body and advances relaxation. At the point when the body unwinds, heart rate is lessened. Stress levels are eased, and the sensation of smoothness and comfort rises.

2. Massage Triggers a Relaxation Response

Massage urges the body to slow down, bringing it from increased tension to a more quiet, loosened upstate. The straightforward act of touch and methodic kneading welcomes the body to back off and sink into relaxation. This emotional reaction is lighted by the body’s natural joy and happiness hormone, serotonin. Serotonin balances out our temperament and assists with fundamental capacities like eating, sleeping, and digestion.

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3. Massage helps with muscular tension

When you are feeling stressed, your body tightens up, making the muscles tense. With the guide of massage therapy, the muscles can get back to a relaxed state, lightening constant pain. Undeniable degrees of pressure in the body can make muscles reduce, limiting movement and causing torment. Anti-stress massage releases pressure by expanding tissue flexibility and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system through different techniques, such as trigger point treatment, rubbing, stretching, and stroking. The muscle filaments become all the more warm and accessible. Patients might require more than one back rub to cure muscular pressure yet will, in any case, see significant outcomes after only one session.

4. Massage Releases Endorphins

Massage therapy likewise reduces stress by delivering endorphins that calm the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is an integral part of the nervous system in the body. The role of the peripheral nervous system is the communication transfer between the cerebrum and extremities. Anti-stress massage stimulates the feeling good hormones into the peripheral nervous system permitting a message of smoothness and unwinding to be handed off. At the point when endorphins are delivered, stress-related hormones are diminished. This way, the sensation of stress is soothed.

5. Massage Reduced Blood Pressure

Anti-massage has been displayed to enhance the further circulation of the blood, thus assisting with reducing blood pressure. Massage treatment helps soothe the sympathetic nervous system, which is liable for increasing blood pressure due to stress. According to many studies, anti-stress massage or aromatherapy massage – the two simply relaxation-centered modalities – decreases blood pressure and heart rate more successfully than deep tissue or sports massage. This is in all probability because of how quieting; delicate touch delivers that serotonin chemical making our bodies self-direct and return to a characteristic and better capacity.

6. Massage Improves Sleep

Since massage can straightforwardly impact the body’s creation of serotonin, it can likewise assist with delivering the sleep hormone known as melatonin. Direct pressure and the control of muscles in the neck, back, and shoulders, and surprisingly the legs and feet trigger the creation of melatonin. The massage therapy treatment additionally decreases cortisol which is the stress hormone – which can influence your sleep pattern. In its place, the hormone dopamine settles your mood and makes that casual condition of being that is expected to sleep sufficiently. Anti-stress massage treatment can be enhanced with essential oils like lavender to entice the body into that euphoric state.

7. Massage helps with Mental Health

An anti-stress massage can advance our mental wellbeing by invigorating the receptors, nerves, and chemicals answerable for mood regulation. These receptors are activated during a moderate pressing massage – carrying remedial alleviation to the individual and, generally speaking, further developed mindset and wellbeing. Massage has additionally been displayed to increment vagal nerve movement, which is frequently low in depressed people. When this nerve is animated, cortisol levels decline to enter our bodies into a more loose and cheerful state.

Further research has shown that after a massage treatment, action in the right frontal lobe (the part connected with negative emotions) lessened and moved down to the left frontal lobe, which is answerable for stress regulation and mood.


An anti-stress massage can be one of the most fantastic stress busters accessible! Along with the calm, loosened-up environment of a massage therapy center, the massage treatment itself persuades our bodies into a further progressive condition of prosperity. And keeping in mind that stress can be briefly lightened with one back rub session, recognizing a drawn-out massage plan with a certified back rub specialist will be more gainful for customers in overseeing persistent stress.

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