How to reduce stress and anxiety in college

Deborah C. Escalante

1. Get proper rest and sleep

American Psychological Association notes that good sleep allows our brains to recharge, repair our muscles, promote memory consolidation, and boost the immune system. In fact, 21 percent of adults feel higher levels of stress from not getting enough sleep.

Many college students pull all-nighters, studying through the night to prepare for an exam, but this type of habit can lead to sleep deprivation and insomnia. Depriving your body of sleep can lower cognitive function, academic performance, and mental health. If you have trouble sleeping at night, try techniques such as avoiding excess caffeine, turning down the lights, or putting away technology at least one hour before bed.

2. Focus on health and nutrition

When you think of college weight gain, it’s usually associated with the “freshman 15.” However, it’s not necessarily true that you’ll gain 15 pounds in your first year of college. According to Harvard Medical School, stress can both shut down the appetite by releasing a corticotropin-releasing hormone and increase the appetite by releasing cortisol.

When you pair the freedom to choose what and when along with academic stress, college students are more likely to cope by overeating or undereating. Developing good habits like eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help manage stress and prevent dramatic weight loss or weight gain.

3. Be active

The Mayo Clinic suggests that regular exercise increases overall health and can reduce stress. Exercise is also effective in reducing fatigue, improving mental clarity, and enhancing cognitive function. After physical activity, the brain produces feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins that act as natural painkillers. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, acupuncture, massage therapy, and deep breathing can also produce endorphins.

If you’re having trouble getting motivated to be active, try inviting a friend, changing up your routine, or exercising in short-time intervals. Adding just 15 minutes of physical activity to your daily routine can help your physical and mental health.

4. Have a stress outlet

Having a healthy outlet to turn to in times of stress can help calm your mind and clarify how to move forward in a stressful situation. Things like a hobby, social club, or physical exercise can all be outlets for relieving stress.

5. Find connections

There are numerous benefits of having a solid support system while in college. Personal connections provide stress-relief hormones that counteract the body’s fight or flight response. Surrounding yourself with people that you trust can also help you feel safe and calm.

The Mayo Clinic says that “social isolation and loneliness are associated with a greater risk of poor mental health and poor cardiovascular health, as well as other health problems.” College is a great time to make new friends. Joining a club or organization, talking to classmates, volunteering, or being on an intramural sports team can help create connections on and off-campus.

6. Practice self-care

Stress causes tension in the body through stiff and sore muscles, headaches, or lowered immune systems. Setting aside time in your busy schedule to prioritize self-care helps reduce tension and stress. Having a spa day, taking a bubble bath, meditating, or taking yourself on a date are just some of the ways you can practice relaxation.

7. Manage time effectively

Ineffective time management can cause significant stress for college students. Approximately 87% of college students said they would perform better in their classes if they had better time management skills. Experiencing college life for the first time can make it tempting to choose social life over schoolwork.

Developing time management strategies helps you stay organized and better prioritize your most important tasks. Writing down your upcoming assignments and exams in a planner or on your phone can help you know what’s next and prioritize your time. When you know you have to study or do an assignment, you can schedule your day accordingly. Effective time management can help improve academic performance and keep you organized, which, in turn, can lower stress and anxiety.

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8. Stay organized

It may seem overwhelming to keep track of everything with a schedule crammed full of classes, assignments, extracurricular and social activities. But, not having organizational skills will only add more stress and pressure to your plate. Unorganized students typically have less academic success than organized students.

Before assignments start piling up, it’s crucial to find ways to stay organized. Calendars and planners are valuable organizational tools. Try to keep your living environment and workspace tidy and organized as well to reduce distraction and anxiety.

9. Practice positive thinking

Research has shown that there are numerous benefits to positive thinking when you’re feeling stressed out. Positive thoughts can improve physical well-being and provide a clear mind. When you feel yourself thinking negatively, counteract these thoughts by giving yourself positive encouragement. Positive reinforcement during stressful times can lessen the chance of developing chronic stress.

10. Try mindfulness exercises

College students are busy and constantly distracted, which makes it challenging to be present in the moment. Mindfulness helps to drown out the background noise and increase awareness. Meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness, but you can also incorporate it into daily activities. This will not only improve memory and focus but is also a beneficial way to relieve stress.

11. Start journaling

Journaling can be very therapeutic and lower stress levels. Write down your daily thoughts and feelings or keep a stress journal. This type of self-reflection can help you find a pattern of regular stress in your life and examine how you deal with it. This will help put things into perspective so that you can effectively manage these stressors.

12. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help

Even before you feel like the stress has become too much to handle, reach out for help. Find out what mental health resources your school offers or take the time to talk to a professional. A mental health professional can determine your stress triggers, develop a mental health plan, and strategize healthy ways to cope with stress.

How telehealth can support students who need help managing stress

Focused on improving the health and wellness of students, TimelyMD offers colleges and universities virtual mental health resources and services powered by telehealth. TimelyMD’s total health and well-being solution is an extension of on-campus health services. With 24/7/365 access to providers in all 50 states, TimelyMD helps students manage stress anytime, anywhere.

Contact us to explore TimelyMD’s telehealth programs that deliver high-quality, on-demand mental health care for students.

Stress levels in college students may be on the rise, but there are many ways to combat it. Get helpful tips for managing stress in college.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255), available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are confidential, and anyone can use this service. (This service was formerly known as The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

  • Common among students, stress can cause adverse mental and physical side effects.
  • Stress has many identifiable symptoms that can affect academic performance.
  • Many colleges provide students with online and in-person mental health resources.
  • If a school doesn’t have the resources you need, it can direct you to external services.

Stress is just one of the many hurdles college students face. Short-term stress can help learners raise a grade, polish an essay, or pursue a coveted career opportunity. But long-term stress, if left unaddressed, can have detrimental side effects.

According to the American Institute of Stress, 4 in 5 college students experience frequent stress. Unchecked stress can lead to physical side effects like trouble concentrating, irritability, a lack of energy, appetite changes, a weakened immune system, and trouble sleeping.

In addition to the negative side effects stress brings, more college students than ever report feeling it for extended periods. Although the majority of this stress often stems from coursework, other factors, such as family, friends, and work, can increase stress and contribute to undesirable academic and personal outcomes.

To address this issue, many colleges provide ample resources and opportunities for students to deal with stress positively. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of stress and solutions for managing it.

What Is Stress and How Does It Affect College Students?

Stress is a physical reaction to a person’s emotions. Both positive events (e.g., an upcoming wedding) and negative events (e.g., the loss of a loved one) can cause stress.

When you feel an emotion that triggers stress, your adrenal gland releases epinephrine — the hormone responsible for the flight-or-fight response — and then cortisol. In dangerous situations, this response can save your life. Too much cortisol, however, can have a long-term, negative impact on your metabolic rate, memory formation, and blood sugar regulation.

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Stress can take one of three forms:

  • Acute Stress: The most common form of stress, acute stress is the result of day-to-day stressors, such as waking up late, running to class, or receiving a bad grade. Fortunately, most acute stress fades quickly and has little mental or physical impact.
  • Episodic Acute Stress: As its name suggests, episodic acute stress develops when a student experiences acute stress multiple times over an extended period. Common symptoms include migraines and tension headaches.
  • Chronic Acute Stress: Chronic acute stress happens when someone can’t avoid a long-term stressful situation. For example, students struggling academically in a major course may develop chronic acute stress, which can lead to weight gain, sleep deprivation, and anxiety.

What Are the Symptoms of Stress in College Students?

When people are exposed to stressors or stimuli that provoke stress, they experience an array of physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive reactions. As such, two students might experience stress in very different ways.

Below are some of the various ways stress can manifest in people.

  • Physical Symptoms: Sweating, increased heart rate or blood pressure, vertigo, shortness of breath, muscle tension, headaches, stomachaches, fatigue
  • Emotional Symptoms: Hostility, irritability, and other mood changes; increased worrying; feelings of helplessness; loneliness
  • Behavioral Symptoms: Binge or reduced eating, drug or alcohol misuse, decreased sex drive, erratic sleep habits
  • Cognitive Symptoms: Memory loss, loss of concentration, negative outlook, dissociation (i.e., disconnection from your thoughts, feelings, and identity)

What Are the Causes of Stress in College Students?

College students respond to stressors in different ways, but some situations are almost always stressful. Here are some of the most common stressors for students.


Many students work while in school to afford high tuition and housing costs. Unfortunately, part-time jobs typically pay just minimum wage. If you’re struggling economically, speak to your financial aid office to see whether you qualify for grants, loans, or work-study.

Homesickness and New Levels of Independence

On top of classes, exams, and meeting people, many students have to deal with growing up. Out-of-state students may be living away from their homes for the first time in their lives, which can easily become a source of constant stress.

Living Among Strangers

Students new to campus life often feel isolated, especially if they’re in an unfamiliar city or state. Some students are naturally shy and may find it difficult to make friends.

Cohabitating With Roommates

Many students may not be accustomed to sharing a room with someone else, especially if their roommate is someone they hardly know. This situation can compound the normal stress of college life.

Coursework and Exams

Students often feel overwhelmed by the increased workload associated with college-level coursework. This realization can blindside students and contribute to stress and anxiety. In many classes, exams make up a large percentage of students’ grades, causing midterms and finals to be more stressful than normal.

Family Turmoil or Loss Back Home

A 2014 NPR study found that the death of a loved one is the second-highest cause of stress amongst U.S. adults. A death in the family can be extremely traumatic for college students, especially if they live away from home and can’t afford to take a break from classes.

Work Schedules

According to a 2013 survey by Citibank and Seventeen Magazine, 4 in 5 students work while attending college. The average student works 19 hours a week. Many learners try to find a job that can accommodate the scheduling concerns associated with full-time education.

Social Obligations

In addition to academic pressures, college introduces plenty of social pressures, such as the idea that you must make tons of friends and party every weekend. Peer pressure and societal expectations can exacerbate stress, especially for first-year students.

Romantic Relationships

Romantic relationships take work. When you and your partner face the stresses of college life, the pressure can feel even greater. Additionally, many students may be in the process of questioning their sexuality and/or gender identity, which can impact dating and relationships.

Can College Stress Lead to Other Health Conditions?

Research shows that stress can lead to the development of many mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. It can also introduce physical conditions like chronic pain.

  • Depression

    Depression is a complex mental health condition often caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Floods of stress hormones can make people, including busy college students, more susceptible to depression.

  • Anxiety

    Severe anxiety can signal an anxiety disorder. This condition, which is especially common among college students, is characterized by physical symptoms, such as muscle tension and shaking, as well as by racing thoughts, feelings of impending doom, fear, excess worry, and irritability.

  • Sleep Disorders

    Sleep disturbances and anxiety often come hand in hand. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, sleep problems can cause or exacerbate anxiety, and vice versa.

  • Substance Misuse

    Some students turn to alcohol or drugs to help manage their stress; however, these dangerous coping mechanisms can lead to substance misuse. A 2018 study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that 28% of college students had engaged in binge drinking in the two weeks before the survey was conducted.

  • Chronic Muscle Pain

    For some students, stress can lead to ongoing physical conditions such as chronic neck aches, backaches, stomach aches, and headaches. The National Institutes of Health recommends practicing yoga and meditation to relax your body and release muscular tension.

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How to Manage Stress in College: 7 Key Tips

Figuring out what situations might cause stress is only half the battle for college students. Fortunately, there are several tricks you can use to help you avoid getting stressed out, reduce how much stress you feel, and improve your ability to cope with and ultimately eliminate stress.

1. Get Enough Sleep

Getting both quality sleep and enough sleep offers a variety of health benefits, including reducing stress and improving your mood. What’s more, students who sleep well are less likely to get sick, have better memory recall, and enjoy a clearer mind.

2. Eat Well

Make an effort to eat nutritious meals and avoid eating on the run so you can avoid indigestion. You may also look for foods that are known to combat stress and boost your mood.

3. Exercise Regularly

In addition to keeping your body healthy, regular exercise releases endorphins and improves your overall cognitive abilities. Exercise can even help you fall asleep, thereby reducing stress. Keep in mind that exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous — yoga, short walks, and stretching can all lead to immense mental health benefits and help relieve tension.

4. Don’t Rely on Stimulants

Drinking coffee and energy drinks to fuel your late-night study sessions will inevitably lead to a crash later on. These stimulants boost cortisol levels in the body, increasing the physical effects of stress.

5. Set Realistic Expectations

Consistently having too much on your plate can lead to a lot of stress. Try to manage your workload by setting realistic expectations and picking a class schedule that gives you plenty of time to study and relax.

Communication with professors is key — if you’re swamped with work, you might be able to get an extension on an assignment by simply asking and explaining your situation.

6. Avoid Procrastinating

Procrastination might feel good in the moment, but it often leads to stress. By managing your time wisely, you can avoid spending all night catching up on coursework. Additionally, habitual procrastination may be a sign of ADHD or anxiety.

7. Identify a Stress Outlet

Stress can never be completely avoided; however, finding a healthy way to reduce stress can go a long way toward keeping it from overwhelming you. Common stress outlets include exercise, spending time with friends and family, and getting massages.

You can also try relaxation techniques such as deep abdominal breathing, concentrating on a soothing word (like “peace” or “calm”), doing yoga or tai chi, and visualizing tranquil scenes.

Where Can Students Go for Help With Managing Stress?

Stress can rise to dangerous levels, threatening students’ physical, emotional, and mental health. But nobody has to face stress alone. Here are some organizations and resources you can contact to receive treatment and support for managing stress in college.

On-Campus Mental Health Services

Most colleges offer on-campus (and sometimes virtual) mental health services to students. You can usually find out more about a school’s services by going online to its official website.

If you need immediate assistance, contact your school’s student services. This department can direct you to appropriate resources, such as mental health clinics, online screening, and individual or group counseling. Taking advantage of these services can improve your mental health, allowing you to thrive academically and socially.

Off-Campus Centers and Hotlines

Schools that can’t provide appropriate stress management resources will direct students to use an outside service, such as a local counseling or therapy center.

Other external resources include 24/7 hotlines. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255 gives students space to talk with trained professionals about suicide ideation and conditions such as severe stress, depression, and anxiety.

Similarly, The Trevor Project offers many support services, including a 24/7 crisis counseling center and hotline, for LGBTQ+ students experiencing stress and other mental health challenges. For help, text START to 678678.

Once these professionals identify the underlying issue, they connect students with a long-term solution, such as a psychiatrist or substance misuse prevention group.

Frequently Asked Questions About Managing Stress in College

Why is stress management important for college students?

Chevron Down

If left unaddressed, stress can lead to depression and anxiety in students. This can, in turn, negatively impact school and work performance and personal relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and peers.

Adopting a stress-management regimen is one of the best ways to avoid and ameliorate problems related to stress. Students may want to practice yoga, meditation, and/or mindfulness on a regular basis.

Why are stress levels in college students so high?

Chevron Down

Many factors contribute to rising stress levels in college students. For one, college continues to grow more and more expensive, which can pose financial obstacles to students and lead to stress and anxiety. Other common causes of college stress include challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, rigor of coursework, struggles making friends, homesickness, and housing and food insecurity.

How can college students effectively manage stress?

Chevron Down

Students can manage stress in many healthy ways, such as by pursuing a new hobby, building a support system, and working on time-management skills. Other stress-management techniques include journaling and seeking counseling or medical help. Students should refrain from using drugs and alcohol to manage stress.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Readers of this website should consult with their physician to obtain advice with respect to any medical condition or treatment.

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